.........hahahahahahahaha _(:'Drz
4 - King Palsifal
....again, leave it to the good doggo #clae_ae #AnotherEden
3 - Galliard
....using Sesta really feels like cheating 😅😅😅 #clae_ae #AnotherEden
2 - Synth Drone
again, my usual way of dealing with bosses those do NOT resist/absorb fire: sock AS Cetie onto them #AnotherEden #clae_ae
Score Attack Thread
1 - Beast Vares (ft. AS Cetie as primary damage dealer) #AnotherEden #clae_ae
AS Ruina manifest battle result (3T AF rematch feat. 👮♂️🐈⬛) #AnotherEden #clae_ae
Finally took time for some more thorough exploring and
I think I have a new favorite cat in Another Eden. #clae_ae
Anyway, forgot this previously, but I cleared the Time Anti-spiral challenge. 30 minutes excluding the retries.
Really liking this fire zone setup - it's definitely not fast-kill option, but I can keep HP/MP consistently at above 80% for the most part while still dealing massive damage reliably in Another Force (using AS Cetie -- since I have his light at 255. #AnotherEden #clae_ae