Louisiana Literaturfestival 2023: Besser als ein Spa-Aufenthalt https://www.literaturcafe.de/louisiana-literaturfestival-2023-besser-als-ein-spa-aufenthalt/ #Louisianaliterature #LiterarischesLeben #Literaturfestifal #AbdulrazakGurnah #JoyceCarolOates #HarukiMurakami #ClaireKeegan #Kunstmuseum #WoleSoyinka #EvaMenasse #IanMcEwan #Louisiana #AliSmith #Dänemark #Museum
#Louisianaliterature #literarischesleben #Literaturfestifal #AbdulrazakGurnah #JoyceCarolOates #harukimurakami #clairekeegan #Kunstmuseum #wolesoyinka #evamenasse #IanMcEwan #louisiana #alismith #Danemark #museum
Anyone know anything about #ClaireKeegan?
Her story 'So late in the day' was discussed on the New Yorker #fiction #podcast. It is an astonishing story. Not an easy listen/read if you're a man in a heterosexual relationship. It is deeper than that too.
It has a kindness at its core despite being unflinching in its portrayal the misogyny that underpins and undermines all heterosexuality. Amazing
#clairekeegan #fiction #Podcast
Gorgeous and wonderful stuff.
#movies #film #cinema #mastomovies #filmastodon #cinemastodon #review #MovieReview #blog #blogger #TheQuietGirl #irish #CatherineClinch #ColmBairead #ClaireKeegan #CarrieCrowley #AndrewBennett #MichaelPatric #KateNicChonaonaigh
#movies #film #cinema #mastomovies #filmastodon #cinemastodon #review #moviereview #blog #blogger #TheQuietGirl #irish #catherineclinch #colmbairead #clairekeegan #carriecrowley #andrewbennett #michaelpatric #katenicchonaonaigh
This year I discovered Claire Keegan's fiction. After I read her novella, Foster, I was truly blown away by the power of her narrative style. Having grown up in an (immigrant) Irish Catholic family, it truly resonated.
Stunned to learn that Colm Bairéad used the story as the basis of his film, nominated for an Oscar, called "The Quiet Girl", in English, (Irish title "An Cailín Ciúin") and much of it is in the Irish language.
#ClaireKeegan #Foster #TheQuietGirl #Books #Bookstodon #Film
#Film #bookstodon #Books #thequietgirl #foster #clairekeegan
Just read this beautiful book. It’s the story that the equally beautiful film The Quiet Girl is based on.
#Foster #ClaireKeegan #TheQuietGirl
#foster #clairekeegan #thequietgirl
“I fell in love with the story in such a profound way.” Congratulations to Colm Bairéad on adapting Foster by Claire Keegan into the Oscar-nominated An Cailín Ciúin https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/may/12/quiet-girl-irish-language-film-colm-bairead-foster-claire-keegan #AnCailínCiúin #TheQuietGirl #ColmBairead #ClaireKeegan
#ancailinciuin #TheQuietGirl #colmbairead #clairekeegan
I want to read everything #ClaireKeegan has ever written. I’m not sure I’ve ever read a writer so sparing with her words to such impact. Every single line is measured to perfection. Just glorious.
#bookrecommendations #WhatImReading #foster #clairekeegan
First book of 2023 ✅ After reading and loving 'Small Things Like These' I was excited to read more from Claire Keegan, so was thrilled to receive this her second collection of short stories for Christmas. Though some of the stories are better than others, they are all memorable in their own way, mostly down to some excellent characters and of course the Irish connection in each one ⭐⭐⭐⭐ #bookstodon #amreading #shortstories #clairekeegan #ireland #booksmas #booksmatter #bookreview #books
#books #bookreview #booksmatter #booksmas #ireland #clairekeegan #shortstories #amreading #bookstodon
@Hecticzen @bookstodon
Thank you so much for the suggestion. Small Things Like These was my final book for this year. It was the prefect ending for the year. Beautifully written and heart wrenching.
“The weather had turned dry and colder, and people remarked on what a picture the convent made, how like a Christmas card it almost was with the yews and evergreens dusted in frost and how the birds, for some reason, had not touched a single berry on the holly bushes there.” No better time to read (or reread) this small masterpiece. #ClaireKeegan #SmallThingsLikeThese #Christmas #rereading
#clairekeegan #smallthingslikethese #christmas #Rereading
“Early on a Sunday, after first Mass in Clonegal, my father, instead of taking me home, drives deep into Wexford towards the coast where my mother’s people came from.” A fine film in its own right, An Cailín Ciúin is remarkably true to its source text, Claire Keegan’s brilliant Foster. #AnCailínCiúin #TheQuietGirl #Foster #ClaireKeegan
#ancailinciuin #TheQuietGirl #foster #clairekeegan
#WhatWereReading : some of our fave reading recommendations of 2022.
Olivia loved Sosuke Natsukawa's The Cat Who Saved Books (trans Louise Heal Kawai, published Picador, & Claire Keegan 's Small Things Like These, published by Faber
#books #BooksOf2022 #BestBooks2022 livres #bookshops #SmallThingsLikeThese #TheCatWhoSavedBooks #SosukeNatsukawa #ClaireKeegan
#clairekeegan #sosukenatsukawa #thecatwhosavedbooks #smallthingslikethese #bookshops #bestbooks2022 #booksof2022 #books #whatwerereading
Finished the truly excellent Small Things Like These by #ClaireKeegan in time for book club next Monday! Going to fill the rest of my evening watching #Utah play #USC in the #Pac12 Championship Game.
#clairekeegan #utah #usc #pac12
Beautiful and quietly compelling - Claire Keegan's novel Small Things Like These is set in Ireland 1985.
#irish #irishwriting
#novel #novella
#smallthingslikethese #clairekeegan #irish #irishwriting #books #bookstadon #novel #novella #amreading #brilliantbooks #frontcoverbackcover
@polamatysiak to do roboty! #terazczytam I się trochę boję #ClaireKeegan #Antarctica bardzo mroczny klimat, nie, nic z horroru, ale napięcie duże. Dobre, na pewno to dobre, ale bajam się :)
#antarctica #clairekeegan #terazczytam
Compte tenu du peu de temps que nous laisse la rentrée (sociale ?), une proposition de trois textes courts (et peu onéreux) pour entretenir la forme ! #ClaireKeegan #JuliaCagé #CynthiaFleury #AntoineFenoglio
#clairekeegan #juliacage #cynthiafleury #antoinefenoglio