It's always time for - examples of Orthodox and Non-Orthodox Jews working together for the common good :-) The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership () is an interdenominational training institute and resource center, in which rabbis from all major Jewish denominations participate.



#goodnews #clal #reformJudaism #orthodoxjudaism #conservativejudaism

Last updated 2 years ago

Where do we see Non-Orthodox and Orthodox and lay Jewish leaders working together? Where do we see people creating () today? We're looking for examples and inspirations!

Here we see Jews from , from all denominations, at the Katz Center for Jewish Studies at the Univ. of Pennsylvania


#rabbis #achdut #jewishunity #clal #orthodoxjudaism #nonorthodoxjudaism #reformJudaism #conservativejudaism

Last updated 2 years ago