Gizmodo: The Venture Bros.' Movie is a Welcome Return and Bittersweet End #theventurebrosradiantisthebloodofthebaboonheart #entertainmentculture #michaelsinterniklaas #christophermcculloch #patrickwarburton #theventurebros #stevenrattazzi #charlesparnell #cartoonnetwork #chrismcculloch #jamesurbaniak #andyforsell #ninaarianda #mantilla #clancy #ike #max #hbo
#theventurebrosradiantisthebloodofthebaboonheart #entertainmentculture #michaelsinterniklaas #christophermcculloch #patrickwarburton #theventurebros #stevenrattazzi #charlesparnell #cartoonnetwork #chrismcculloch #jamesurbaniak #andyforsell #ninaarianda #mantilla #clancy #ike #max #hbo
::: Rainbow Six: Siege | Ubisoft allows BattlEye for Linux? - Vote is on 💥
"I don't like the game myself so I don't care" is not the way?
Millions of players involved. For Linux to become even a better gaming platform then big companies support is quite needed?
It would advance Linux usage all 'round? What do YOU think? 🙏
The game itself runs perfectly on Linux.
#RainbowSix #Siege #Linux #Vote #Ubisoft #BattlEye #support #gaming #Proton #Tom #Clancy
#rainbowsix #siege #linux #vote #ubisoft #battleye #support #gaming #proton #tom #clancy
Handmade Festival: la presentazione @ RCF #afternoontunes #interviste #concerti #Festival #handmade #jonathan #MUSICA #Clancy #LineUp
#afternoontunes #interviste #concerti #festival #handmade #Jonathan #musica #clancy #lineup
::: Rainbow Six: Siege | will Ubisoft allow BattlEye for Linux? - Vote is on 💥
"I don't like the game myself so I don't care" is not the way?
If we wish Linux to become even a better gaming platform: big companies Linux support is quite needed?
Whether one likes the game or not, millions of players are involved.
Granted how the likes of Ubisoft are... Yet the bigger picture supports this voting? To advance Linux usage all 'round? What do YOU think? 🙏
The game itself runs perfectly on Linux..
#RainbowSix #Siege #Linux #Vote #Ubisoft #BattlEye #support #gaming #Proton #Tom #Clancy
#clancy #tom #proton #gaming #support #battleye #ubisoft #vote #linux #siege #rainbowsix
I realized that Dumas starting the Count of Monte Cristo on February 24th, 1815 is like Tom Clancy starting a novel on September 7th, 2001. To contemporary Frenchmen it would be obvious what major events are about to transpire.
These days only real grognards know that Napoleon’s return from Elba is imminent.
#Dumas #History #Literature #FrenchLiterature #Napoleon #Foreshadowing #CountOfMonteCristo #Clancy
#clancy #countofmontecristo #foreshadowing #napoleon #frenchliterature #literature #history #dumas
Nuovi bus notturni, ma “regolare oblio sui migranti che lavorano all’Interporto” #coordinamentomigranti #economiadellanotte #Lavoroeprecarietà #coalizionecivica #AcabnewsBologna #autobusnotturni #busnotturni #interporto #logistica #Migranti #migranti #clancy #lepore #busn #bus
#bus #busn #lepore #clancy #migranti #logistica #interporto #Busnotturni #autobusnotturni #acabnewsbologna #coalizionecivica #lavoroeprecarietà #economiadellanotte #coordinamentomigranti
Who watching #tom #clancy’s #jackryan latest season on #primevideo
#tom #clancy #jackryan #primevideo
A happy moment amidst the first action-packed hour of Tom Clancey's Jack Ryan, Season 3, or Amazon Prime. Saw two of the lead characters eating at our fave cafe across from the Pantheon in Rome.
#action #spycraft #spies #danger #Clancy #Ryan #Rome #drama #television #series
#series #television #drama #rome #ryan #clancy #danger #spies #spycraft #action
A happy moment amidst the first action-packed hour of Tom Clancey's Jack Ryan, Season 3, or Amazon Prime. Saw two of the lead characters, Ryan and Greer, eating at our fave cafe across from the Pantheon in Rome.
#action #spycraft #spies #danger #Clancy #Ryan #Rome #drama #television #series
#series #television #drama #rome #ryan #clancy #danger #spies #spycraft #action
L’ostinazione delle e dei migranti e le risposte del Comune #coordinamentomigranti #AcabnewsBologna #comunedibologna #guerraucraina #Corpiepoteri #centromattei #rizzonervo #Movimenti #viaMattei #Migranti #migranti #clancy #mattei
#mattei #clancy #migranti #viamattei #movimenti #rizzonervo #centromattei #corpiepoteri #guerraucraina #ComuneDiBologna #acabnewsbologna #coordinamentomigranti
Finn, Marc and Clancy in the shower
Finn the human having a nice buddy shower with Marco from Star vs The Forces of Evil and Clancy Gilroy from Midnigth Gospel
Follow me in Twitter
#midnigthgospel #clancy #finnthehuman #adventuretime #hentai #r34 #shower #bath
#midnigthgospel #clancy #finnthehuman #adventuretime #hentai #r34 #shower #bath
Lo sciopero di Pasqua: “Pagateci lo stipendio o veniamo a pranzo a casa vostra” #Redditoelottesociali #transizioneabitativa #cobaslavoroprivato #Lavoroeprecarietà #AcabnewsBologna #calderaradireno #parmareggio #interporto #palletways #Movimenti #logistica #adlcobas #sciopero #Cronaca #clancy #pasqua #cobas #casa #gsi #usb
#usb #gsi #casa #cobas #pasqua #clancy #cronaca #sciopero #adlcobas #logistica #movimenti #palletways #interporto #parmareggio #calderaradireno #acabnewsbologna #lavoroeprecarietà #cobaslavoroprivato #transizioneabitativa #redditoelottesociali
Banca Rotta protesta in Comune, ma dall’amministrazione nessuna apertura #Lavoroeprecarietà #coalizionecivica #AcabnewsBologna #bancarottasrl #bancarottasrl #Corpiepoteri #BancaRotta #bancarotta #Movimenti #Cronaca #clancy #comune #sgb
#sgb #comune #clancy #cronaca #movimenti #bancarotta #corpiepoteri #bancarottasrl #acabnewsbologna #coalizionecivica #lavoroeprecarietà
La Giunta continua a promettere, le/i migranti vogliono fatti: “Chiudere il Mattei” #coordinamentomigranti #Lavoroeprecarietà #AcabnewsBologna #Corpiepoteri #interporto #rizzonervo #casmattei #viaMattei #Migranti #clancy #mattei
#mattei #clancy #migranti #viamattei #casmattei #rizzonervo #interporto #corpiepoteri #acabnewsbologna #lavoroeprecarietà #coordinamentomigranti
Sgombera, copia e incolla #Redditoelottesociali #emergenzaabitativa #AcabnewsBologna #viazampieri13 #cancellieri #Editoriali #Movimenti #cofferati #sgombero #delbono #sfratti #clancy #merola #casa
#casa #merola #clancy #sfratti #DelBono #sgombero #cofferati #movimenti #editoriali #cancellieri #viazampieri13 #acabnewsbologna #emergenzaabitativa #redditoelottesociali
Dopo lo sgombero manifestanti in Comune, che chiude le porte: “Come i sindaci-sceriffi” #Redditoelottesociali #AcabnewsBologna #Corpiepoteri #viazampieri #alberani #clancy #comune #acer #asia #usb
#usb #asia #acer #comune #clancy #alberani #viazampieri #corpiepoteri #acabnewsbologna #redditoelottesociali
“Risposte sull’emergenza abitativa”, blitz in Consiglio comunale #Redditoelottesociali #AcabnewsBologna #cambiarerotta #viazampieri13 #campaniello #Movimenti #Cronaca #asiausb #clancy #comune #asia #casa #usb
#usb #casa #asia #comune #clancy #asiausb #cronaca #movimenti #campaniello #viazampieri13 #cambiarerotta #acabnewsbologna #redditoelottesociali
Per via Zampieri “sempre più reale la minaccia di sgombero” #Benicomuni,territorieambiente #Redditoelottesociali #AcabnewsBologna #viazampieri13 #occupazione #Movimenti #sgombero #asiausb #sfratti #clancy #asia #casa
#casa #asia #clancy #sfratti #asiausb #sgombero #movimenti #occupazione #viazampieri13 #acabnewsbologna #redditoelottesociali #benicomuni
La voce delle persone senza dimora bussa alle porte del Comune #Sportelloperildirittoall'abitare #laboratoriosalutepopolare #Spaziodiurnoautogestito #Redditoelottesociali #staffettsolidali #AcabnewsBologna #manifestazioni #matildemadrid #viazampieri13 #Corpiepoteri #accoglienza #occupazione #pianofreddo #senzadimora #prefettura #Movimenti #Migranti #adlcobas #Cronaca #Welfare #asiausb #clancy #labas #acer #casa #erp
#erp #casa #acer #labas #clancy #asiausb #welfare #cronaca #adlcobas #migranti #movimenti #prefettura #senzadimora #pianofreddo #occupazione #accoglienza #corpiepoteri #viazampieri13 #matildemadrid #manifestazioni #acabnewsbologna #staffettsolidali #redditoelottesociali #Spaziodiurnoautogestito #laboratoriosalutepopolare #Sportelloperildirittoall