One of our local pieces of built heritage is this ice house, “the last upstanding part of Clare Grove House, a large house in the parish of Balgriffin and Barony of Coolock. According to
Lewis's Topographical Dictionary in 1837, Clare Grove House was the residence of General A. Cuppage. The house later became Clare Manor Hotel before being demolished in the 1980s.” The area is now known as Clare Hall.
#ClareHall #Ruins #IceHouse #History #BuiltHeritage #LocalHistory #Ireland #Mastodaoine
#clarehall #ruins #icehouse #history #builtheritage #localhistory #ireland #mastodaoine
I'll post about the life, times & legacy of Elizabeth de Burgh, #LadyOfClare, a spirited English noblewoman of the #14thCentury whose legacy includes #ClareCollege & #ClareHall at #CambridgeUniversity. She & her remarkable network of friends were influential patrons of books, music, institutions & all the arts in a #GoldenAge for English craftsmanship.
📷 a detail of the #PienzaCope
#MedievalArt #OpusAnglicanum #MedievalManuscripts #medievodons @medievodons
#introduction #LadyofClare #14thcentury #clarecollege #clarehall #cambridgeuniversity #goldenage #pienzacope #medievalart #opusanglicanum #medievalmanuscripts #medievodons