Bill Kristol dismissed the current incarnation of #Claremont as “off-putting and depressing and stupid.” Steve Schmidt, co-founder of the #LincolnProject, was even more direct. Claremont, he told me [Katherine Stewart], “is becoming like the West Point of American fascism. It has collected a creature cantina, like the Star Wars scene, and has nurtured and midwifed the birth of a political ideology” that “leaves most commentators deeply discomforted by calling it by its name.”
“What the hell happened to the #Claremont Institute?” asks Laura K. Field, senior fellow at the Niskanen Center & scholar in residence at American University, in an insightful series in The Bulwark. Daniel W. Drezner has described the institute as “the poster child for the devolution of conservative thought.” Over at National Review, Mona Charen has written that Claremont “stands out for beclowning itself,” & adds that its fellows have “thoroughly jettisoned their devotion to truth & virtue.”
The #Claremont Institute: The Anti-Democracy Think Tank...
It was once (mostly) traditionally conservative and (sort of) intellectually rigorous. Now it platforms white nationalists and promotes #authoritarianism.
Mural, Claremont, California
#mural #art #artwork #claremont #california
Ironbark Ciderworks, Claremont, California
Recently our friends invited us out to Ironbark Ciderworks for tasting and dinner. If you are looking for less-sweet ciders then this is your place. The menu of ciders is unique and eclectic.
#cider #cidery #ironbark #ciderworks, #food #drink #claremont #california
#cider #cidery #ironbark #ciderworks #food #drink #claremont #california
The Claremont Run
Veo a la gente impulsando un toot con viñetas de los #XMen con Lobezno saliendo de la ducha y tormenta llevando la ropa de él y siendo una mujer empoderada… Había una cuenta de Twitter que se dedicaba a analizar este tipo de historias de Chris #Claremont desde una perspectiva académica y sesuda:
You may be surprised to learn that there is a whole network of 'respectable' publishers and think-tanks that produce right-wing content even more paranoid and delusional than Fox News. A big one is the Epoch Times - a Hong Kong publisher that has become increasingly focused on the USA along with massive promotion -- both online and by sending sample editions through the post office.
Another is the Claremont Institute, that often passes as a conventional country club conservative publication, but uses it's massive endowment to enthusiastically promote the idea that Democrats plan to burn America and citizenship must be revoked from their political opponents based on far-fetched legal theories.
So if you see a new seemingly respectable think-tank, and notice that it's founder is proud of his work with the Epoch Times, then you know what to expect. (BTW - the Brownstone Inst evolved from the Great Barrington Declaration).
#propaganda #conservative #far-right #Epoch #Brownstone #GBD #Claremont #news #USA
#propaganda #conservative #far #epoch #Brownstone #gbd #claremont #news #usa
Bought the wrong ticket, so had to alight in Claremont. Decided to use this opportunity to get breakfast. Unexpectedly good coffee and smokey cheese and bacon bagel at Stand in Room.
#food #claremont
Love claims another victim…
#UncannyXmen #120
#comics #Xmen #Wolverine #AlphaFlight #Sasquatch #Claremont #Byrne #Marvel #mutants
#uncannyxmen #comics #xmen #wolverine #alphaflight #sasquatch #claremont #byrne #marvel #mutants
Came across this book by Canadian Brian Griffith on Desertification after a review of @brandonjobrien Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes (Also Misreading Scripture with Individualist Eyes: Patronage, Honor, Shame in the Biblical World)
Wondering if anyone has a Mastodon/ Twitter handle for Griffith?
In early 80's learned about #desertification from Prof. C. Dean Freudenberger at #Claremont.
The Gardens of Their Dreams: Desertification and Culture in World History
An incredibly mild day for mid November. Went to #claremont #nationaltrust to see some more beautiful autumnal colours and enjoy natures art. The lad enjoyed the new smells and rustling over leaves 🐾
Conference time!
#philosophy #nonmonogamy #polyamory #philosodons #philodons #pomona #claremont
#claremont #pomona #philodons #philosodons #polyamory #nonmonogamy #philosophy