Went to Kellogg College in #Oxford this eve to a (free!) talk on Writing the Short Story by Dr #ClareMorgan, director of #OxfordUniversity’s MSt in #creativewriting and #author of #shortstory collection Scar Tissue. She gave egs of #writers talking about #shortstories. #AliceMunro: ‘a story is not a road to follow… it’s more like a house.’ And #RaymondCarver being pithy: ‘Get in, get out. Don’t linger. Go on.’
#literature #writing #writersofmastodon #writer #books #bookstodon #fiction #reading
#oxford #claremorgan #oxforduniversity #creativewriting #author #shortstory #writers #shortstories #AliceMunro #raymondcarver #literature #writing #writersofmastodon #writer #books #bookstodon #fiction #reading