I love @tedlieu.....he always tells it like it is: "“I prefer the RV parks. I prefer the Walmart parking lots to the beaches and things like that…There’s something normal to me about it. I come from regular stock and I prefer that-I prefer being around that.” (CT quote)
Ted: "Do you think Clarence Thomas lies publicly, or does he lie to himself?"
I know I'm boosting numerous times (but from different people) on the latest #ClarenceThomas BS. This guy needs a cell right next to the Donald.😡
#clarencethomas #clarencethomascorruption
The scandal of under paid judges in the US
Judge Clarence Thomas is the just the latest in the line of judges feeling the cost of living pressures and having to rely on handouts to get by.
There had been a lot of attention and criticism of the Supreme Court justice and his reliance on handouts from billionaire Harlan Crow.
#clarencethomas #clarencethomascorruption #news #satire
#clarencethomas #clarencethomascorruption #News #satire
https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/04/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-doj-congress-roberts.html #ClarenceThomasCorruption Thomas appears to have exposed himself to sanctions under the act, which empowers the attorney general to bring a civil action against violators, resulting in up to $50,000 in penalties. The statute also imposes criminal penalties up to one year’s imprisonment and fines for “knowingly and willingly” falsifying a disclosure report and for “fail[ing] to file or report any information” required by the act #IllegitimateSCOTUS
#clarencethomascorruption #IllegitimateSCOTUS
It’s ethical when CON$ervatives do it
#cartoonist David Horsey
#ClarenceThomasCorruption #ClarenceThomasResign #ImpeachClarenceThomas #ArrestClarenceThomas #LockHimUp #AboveTheLaw #SCOTUS #ethics #EditorialCartoons
#Cartoonist #clarencethomascorruption #clarencethomasresign #impeachclarencethomas #arrestclarencethomas #lockhimup #abovethelaw #scotus #ethics #editorialcartoons
https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/13/politics/abortion-pill-mifepristone-appeals-court HERE'S WHERE MEDICATION ABORTION STANDS
A federal appeals court said Wednesday abortion drug can remain available but placed restrictions on mailing pill
The move freezes parts of a Texas judge’s order issued last week that would have suspended FDA’s approval of the pill
This ruling is likely to complicate abortion access across the country, even in places where the procedure is legal
#AbortionIsHealthcare #TexasTaliban #ClarenceThomasCorruption
#AbortionIsHealthcare #texastaliban #clarencethomascorruption #gopwaronwomen
Grift scandal’ rocks Clarence Thomas https://youtu.be/oJDctxlbRi8Description
Supreme Court Justice #ClarenceThomasCorruption is facing impeachment calls amid a new ethics scandal Thomas’s relationship with billionaire & GOP super donor #NaziHarlanCrow revealing for more than two decades Thomas has accepted luxury trips virtually every year from the Dallas billionaire without disclosing themSenate Democrats now planning a hearing on #IllegitimateSCOTUS ethics as reports surface Crow collects Nazi memorabilia
#clarencethomascorruption #naziharlancrow #IllegitimateSCOTUS
Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats on Monday called on Chief Justice John Roberts to investigate #ClarenceThomasCorruption “In the coming days, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing regarding the need to restore confidence in the Supreme Court’s ethical standards,” the Democratic lawmakers wrote. “And if the Court does not resolve this issue on its own, the Committee will consider legislation to resolve it"
#IllegitimateSCOTUS #clarencethomascorruption
https://hillreporter.com/watch-aoc-says-chief-justice-roberts-has-to-speak-out-on-clarence-thomas #AOC The New York congresswoman continued, "I do believe Chief Justice John Roberts must now come forward and state if he allows, and is allowing, this kind of very serious corruption to happen on on this court. I do not think that this court any longer has legitimacy." #IllegitimateSCOTUS #ClarenceThomasCorruption #ExpandTheCourt #CourtReform
#aoc #IllegitimateSCOTUS #clarencethomascorruption #ExpandTheCourt #courtreform
@wdlindsy #ClarenceThomasMustResign ASAP so he can spend more time in his “preferred” Walmart parking lots & RV parks… like a “regular American.” 🤡
#ImpeachClarenceThomas #ClarenceThomasCorruption #ClarenceThomasResign #LockHimUp #CorruptCONservativeSCOTUS
#clarencethomasmustresign #impeachclarencethomas #clarencethomascorruption #clarencethomasresign #lockhimup #corruptconservativescotus
#ClarenceThomasMustResign ASAP, so he can spend more time in his “preferred” #WalmartParkingLots & #RVParks 🤡
#ClarenceThomasCorruption #ClarenceThomasStepDown #ClarenceThomasResign
#clarencethomasmustresign #walmartparkinglots #rvparks #clarencethomascorruption #clarencethomasstepdown #clarencethomasresign
https://www.businessinsider.com/sinema-manchin-clarence-thomas-vacations-harlan-crow-megadonor-republican-2023-4 GOP megadonor #HarlanCrow has been secretly funding lavish vacations for #ClarenceThomasCorruption & his wife #SeditionistGinniThomas
But he's also given thousands to Democrats who've stymied the party's agenda at various times.
They include #JoeManchinSenatorForSale & #GrifterKyrstenSinema as well as corrupt Reps. #JoshGottheimer & #HenryCiellar
#harlancrow #clarencethomascorruption #seditionistginnithomas #joemanchinsenatorforsale #grifterkyrstensinema #JoshGottheimer #henryciellar
#IllegitimateSCOTUS #ClarenceThomasCorruption #ClarenceThomasMustResign #ReformTheCourt #SupremeCourtEthics #ExpandTheCourt Clarence Thomas & his wife Ginni are raking in millions from connections with Leonard Leo, the leader of the Federalist Society who has orchestrated the court’s hard-right turn. Leo is now overseeing Marble Freedom Trust, established to disburse funds from a $1.6 billion bequest to manipulate elections in favor of Republicans.
#IllegitimateSCOTUS #clarencethomascorruption #clarencethomasmustresign #reformthecourt #SupremeCourtethics #ExpandTheCourt
https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-scotus-undisclosed-luxury-travel-gifts-crow For over 20 years, Clarence Thomas has been treated to luxury vacations by billionaire Republican donor Harlan Crow. #ClarenceThomasCorruption #expandthesupremecourt #IllegitimateSCOTUS #InvestigateGinniThomas
#clarencethomascorruption #expandthesupremecourt #IllegitimateSCOTUS #investigateginnithomas