Yeah, except for the fact that Thomas is an actual sitting civil servant under a reasonable suspicion of corruption who appears to have sold his court rulings in return for expensive vacations and other perks.
#Both_sides #bullshit #clarencethomasiscorrupt
#both_sides #bullshit #clarencethomasiscorrupt
You're asking me how I would describe the current #SupremeCourt of the #UnitedStates?
Ok. I call it the TITO Effect.
Trash In, Trash Out
#supremecourt #unitedstates #tito #recallclarencethomas #impeachclarencethomas #screwclarencethomas #clarencethomasiscorrupt #recallsamalito #impeachsamalito #screwsamalito #samalitoiscorrupt #scotus #scotusiscorrupt #itsnotanormalcourt #recalljohnroberts #impeachjohnroberts #screwjohnroberts #johnrobertsiscorrupt
Billionaire Harlan Crow’s firm advocated for rolling back the very wetland protections the Supreme Court just gutted. The obvious conflict of interest raises questions about not just the ruling’s legitimacy but the entire court’s
#ClarenceThomasIsCorrupt #SCOTUS #wetlands
#clarencethomasiscorrupt #SCOTUS #wetlands
Alito is just as horrible as Clarence Thomas. What the Supreme Court did tonight was tactical the justices know they pissed us off and are now trying to get us off their nerves. It doesn't mean they will vote the same way if it goes up to the Supreme Court. #clarencethomasiscorrupt
RT RJ Matson
Club SCOTUS #ClarenceThomasHasNoEthics #ClarenceThomasMustResign #ClarenceThomasIsCorrupt #SCOTUS4Sale
#clarencethomashasnoethics #clarencethomasmustresign #clarencethomasiscorrupt #scotus4sale
A few years before #ClarenceThomas failed to disclose the sale of the house his mother lived in, he failed to disclose details of his wife’s employment
#ClarenceThomasIsCorrupt #ClarenceThomasHasNoEthics
#clarencethomas #clarencethomasiscorrupt #clarencethomashasnoethics
why isn't #Roberts doing anything about @USSupremeCourt corruption? cuz he's grateful the reporting is focused on corrupt injustice Thomas. Soon it will be focused on his wife and her “business interests”
#ThomasMustResign #ClarenceThomasIsCorrupt
#roberts #thomasmustresign #clarencethomasiscorrupt
'It is your duty': Dem lawmakers pressure Chief Justice to probe Clarence Thomas secret gifts
via @AlterNet
#ClarenceThomas #ClarenceThomasIsCorrupt #ClarenceThomasMustResign
#ClarenceThomasMustResign #clarencethomasiscorrupt #clarencethomas
More than just like minded Judges, The Republicans are happier to have a compromised, like minded judge.
One they can "persuade" to vote the way they need.
Katie Porter Exposes Clarence Thomas For Allegedly Violating Federal Law With Corrupt Acts
via @Bipartisanism
#ClarenceThomasMustResign #ClarenceThomasIsCorrupt
#clarencethomasiscorrupt #ClarenceThomasMustResign