The Supreme Court is reactionary. Is it also corrupt? According to Common Cause, Ginni—who is also a lawyer—received more than $686,000 between 2003 and 2007 working for the Heritage Foundation. In 2011, claiming incredulously that he had misunderstood his reporting responsibilities, Thomas amended his financial disclosures, which can now be examined on the website #IllegitimateSCOTUS #ClarenceThomasSedition #SCOTUScorruption
#IllegitimateSCOTUS #clarencethomassedition #scotuscorruption
JusticeAlito is the leaker. #IlegitimateSCOTUS #ReformTheCourt #TermLimits #SCOTUScorruption #IndictGinniThomas #ClarenceThomasSedition #SamAlitoCorruption #JusticeRobertsCorruption #KangarooSCOTUS
#ilegitimatescotus #reformthecourt #termlimits #scotuscorruption #indictginnithomas #clarencethomassedition #samalitocorruption #justicerobertscorruption #kangarooscotus
from Dash Dobrofsky
#clarencethomasknew #clarencethomassedition #arresrginnithomasforsedition