#ClarencThomas sent teenage grandnephew to #HiddenLakeAcademy private boarding school in foothills of northern GA. Thomas had legal custody of Martin when he was 6 yrs old / had told an interviewer he was “raising him as a son.” Tuition at the boarding school $150,000 in 2009 #bankstatement buried in unrelated court filings shows source of Martin’s tuition = the company of #billionaire #RealEstate #magnate #HarlanCrow. #SCOTUS #FinancialDisclosure #EthicsReforms https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-private-school-tuition-scotus
#clarencthomas #hiddenlakeacademy #bankstatement #billionaire #RealEstate #magnate #harlancrow #SCOTUS #financialdisclosure #ethicsreforms
For over 20 years, #ClarencThomas has been treated to luxury vacations by billionaire #Republican donor #HarlanCrow.
#clarencthomas #republican #harlancrow