What a waste. Ordered an upgrade to #ClarisFileMaker but had to wait for FedEx package to arrive with a slip of paper with my S/N. Envelope, plastic wrap, a box and a slip of paper for something that could have been sent by email. Stupid delay and a waste for the environment.
Sorted object style contextual menu in #ClarisFileMaker
MBS Plugin adds sorting for the styles menu, so you quicker find the styles.
Who uses that feature in #FileMaker?
Build archives on the fly
Check our new Archive.Create function in MBS #FileMaker Plugin 13.1pr4 to build archives on the fly in #ClarisFileMaker from containers or files.
Have you tried Auto Complete in #ClarisFileMaker?
We added auto complete for MBS function names for MBS #FileMaker Plugin 12.1 for macOS.
Beside auto complete for variable names.
Install MBS #FileMaker Plugin on a #ClarisFileMaker Server
Today we like to show you how to manually install the MBS FileMaker Plugin on a FileMaker Server.
Step by step for macOS, Windows and Linux.
Let us know if you have questions!
Data Detectors for #ClarisFileMaker
Check the RegEx.DataDetector function in MBS #FileMaker Plugin since 11.1.
Uses Apple Frameworks to find Date, Address, Link, PhoneNumber or TransitInformation in your texts.
The ZUGFeRD example for #ClarisFileMaker
We are happy to announce that we got an example project for creating ZUGFeRD invoices in #FileMaker.
* Build the XML for the e-invoice
* Build the PDF in FileMaker
* Use DynaPDF to merge them
The ZUGFeRD example for #ClarisFileMaker
We are happy to announce that we got a new example project for creating ZUGFeRD invoices in #FileMaker.
* Build the XML for the e-invoice
* Build the PDF in FileMaker
* Use DynaPDF to merge them
Scroll through records with mouse wheel on MacOS
Let users in #ClarisFileMaker scroll with mouse wheel through records.
Someone using FM.MouseWheelScriptTrigger in #FileMaker?
Moving data from ODBC to #FileMaker via script
You have a SQL data source and you like to get JSON from it inside #ClarisFileMaker to pass that JSON on to a web services or DATA API?
Or you have a SQL source and move records from/to FileMaker easily?
Already five conferences announced for #ClarisFileMaker this year:
🇩🇪 dotfmp.berlin in Berlin, Germany, 1st to 3rd June 2023 in English
🇨🇠Claris Konferenz in Basel, Swiss, 21st to 23rd June 2023 in German
🇺🇸 Pause on Error, Clayton, USA, 3rd to 6th October 2023 in English
🇮🇹 Rome #FileMaker Week, Rome, Italy, 6th to 8th October 2023 in English and Italian
🇧🇪 EngageU, Antwerp, Belgium, 12th to 14th November 2022 in English
More follow up on oAuth for Office 365
You can use MBS #FileMaker Plugin to do SMTP and IMAP with Office 365 in #ClarisFileMaker using oAuth2.
New example is included with 13.1pr2 download.
new to Mastodon.
Anyone here interested in #Xojo or #FileMaker / #ClarisFileMaker and related stuff?
#xojo #filemaker #clarisfilemaker
Ways to import images to #FileMaker
We sum up what functions we have to get images from
* a flatbed scanner or document feeder
* a video camera or webcam
* a digital camera (DSLR)
* an iPhone nearby
into #ClarisFileMaker.