Geekmaster 👽 · @Geekmaster
117 followers · 892 posts · Server

@xenophile LOL haven't heard that term in many years 😬 Lately been stuck on Rogue Squadron, , on , and I always seem to circle back to . I chipped my tooth on the original in the 1990's and became a lifetime fan. I do a lot too - been on for about 5 years now and I frequent and . Just starting getting in a couple months ago and have been enjoying that too! Something about blowing shit up that just brings a smile to my face lol. I did game on consoles for most of the 00's and 10's, but I haven't touched my Xbox in about 2 years now lol. What about you?

#starwars #haloinfinite #roborecall #oculus #doom2016 #doom #fps #mobilegame #clashroyal #mariokarttour #codmobile #gunsupmobile #pcmasterrace

Last updated 2 years ago

Pinkfear · @Pinkfear
53 followers · 922 posts · Server

Chui à fond


Last updated 2 years ago

narF 🎲 · @narF
263 followers · 5758 posts · Server

Cette semaine, @anmaeriel est très “dans ses feelings” au sujet de la fin du jeu Dragalia Lost, et on part dans des discussions vraiment profondes sur la fin des jeux en ligne, la façon dont on peut capturer cette expérience, les amitiés qu’on forme avec les gens qu’on rencontre dans un jeu, etc.

Le 352 est sorti!

#librearbitre #archivage #Jeuxenligne #clashroyal #dragalialost #j1v #jeux #jeuxvideo #podcast

Last updated 2 years ago