Has anyone else experienced the level of elder abuse I'm seeing with #tmobile? If it's happening to my 80+ yo father, he can't be alone. I ordered him the home wifi hotspot May 2021. It sucked. I returned it (per UPS tracking number) and cx'd service. Now I come to find out my dad's been paying the $60 for 2+ years! Zero data usage. 3 wks ago I called, they said refund would come in 7-10 days. Never happened. Got charged again. 1.5 hours into call to relitigate. #classaction territory?
Court rules in favor of HelbizCoin investors, class lawsuit to go ahead - A U.S. District Court has upheld claims by HBZ investors that the... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/helbizcoin-investor-class-action-lawsuit-go-ahead #classaction #pumpanddump #helbizcoin #fraud #court #hbz #ico
#ico #hbz #court #fraud #helbizcoin #pumpanddump #classaction
If you ordered Panda Express delivery between July 17, 2020, and February 16, 2022, you can file a claim in a class action lawsuit, and probably get a few dollars or food vouchers sometime next year. Personally I did not as I don't like their food, but I know many people who do. #classaction #pandaexpress
#Quebec’s #SuperiorCourt has authorized a #ClassAction lawsuit on behalf of #Atikamekw women who say they were sterilized against their will.
Justice #LukaszGranosik green-lit the lawsuit on behalf of “all women of Atikamekw origin who have undergone surgery that has impaired their #fertility without having given their free and #InformedConsent … since 1980.”
#quebec #superiorcourt #classaction #atikamekw #lukaszgranosik #fertility #informedconsent #womensrights #humanrights
Qantas faces class action over pandemic travel credits treated as ‘$1bn in interest-free loans’ https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/aug/21/qantas-faces-class-action-over-pandemic-travel-credits-treated-as-1bn-in-interest-free-loans #consumerlaw #Qantas #auslaw #classaction #COVID19 #travel
#consumerlaw #qantas #auslaw #classaction #COVID19 #travel
SanDisk Extreme SSDs are “worthless,” multiple lawsuits against WD say - Enlarge (credit: SanDisk/Amazon)
On Thursday, two more lawsuit... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1961790 #westerndigital #classaction #sandisk #policy #tech #ssd
#ssd #tech #policy #sandisk #classaction #westerndigital
Ars Technica: SanDisk Extreme SSDs are “worthless,” multiple lawsuits against WD say https://arstechnica.com/?p=1961790 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #WesternDigital #classaction #SanDisk #Policy #Tech #SSD
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #westerndigital #classaction #sandisk #policy #ssd
Ars Technica: Western Digital, SanDisk Extreme SSDs don’t store data safely, lawsuit says https://arstechnica.com/?p=1961557 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #classactionlawsuit #WesternDigital #classaction #SanDisk #Tech #SSD
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #classactionlawsuit #westerndigital #classaction #sandisk #ssd
If and when I receive a check, I'll let you know.
"expected payments are around $65"
#Apple #ClassAction
Apple agrees to pay up to $500 million in settlement over slowed-down iPhones: What to know
Here's people's champion #CarolynRoberts talking about the #classaction she is launching against the #water companies (mentioned here in a post a couple of days ago).
'Now it’s time to make the water companies clean up their act'!
Lets hope she can make this happen!
#carolynroberts #classaction #water
Hmmm.. in the coming months, many of us may come to know Carolyn Roberts well...
under a provision in the 2015 Consumer Rights Act, she is bringing a form of #classaction case against a range of #water firms for under-reporting #pollution & overcharging consumers.... if allowed by the Competition Appeal Tribunal then unless we opt out we'll all be part of the claim... to which I say:
Go, Carolyn!
#classaction #water #pollution
FTX’s former law firm hit with lawsuit alleging it set up ‘shadowy entities’ - The suit claims “shadowy entities” set up by Fenwick & West w... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/ftx-law-firm-fenwick-west-faces-class-lawsuit #misrepresentation #carolineellison #fenwick&west #classaction #nishadsingh #omission #garywang #lawsuit #charges #llp
#llp #charges #lawsuit #garywang #omission #nishadsingh #classaction #fenwick #carolineellison #misrepresentation
#banksia #courtcase #classaction #ripoff
"I’m the proposed Class Representative for a lawsuit against Google in the UK on behalf of publishers. If you sold open display ads in the UK after 2014, you might be a member of the class. Read more at Googleadclaim.co.uk. (Or see the press release.)"
#CharlesArthur, 2023
#charlesarthur #classaction #google #googleadclaim
#Auspol #CostsGouging #ClassAction
“[#ShineLaw] exposed its mesh client victims to interest charges at rates between 22.4% and 31.8%, allowing the interest to rack up while it still paid dividends to its shareholders. The major shareholders are the founders of the firm.”
#MichaelWestMedia #MWM #
From: @MichaelWestMedia
#auspol #costsgouging #classaction #shinelaw #michaelwestmedia #mwm
If you were #Facebook user in #UnitedStates 🇺🇸 between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022, you may be eligible for a cash payment from #ClassAction Settlement: https://www.facebookuserprivacysettlement.com/
Admittedly, this website looks like phishing, those websites pretty much always do, but they are very much legitimate (it's linked on https://www.cand.uscourts.gov/notices/facebook-privacy-settlement-information/). See the LegalEagle video about those: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzvR3h6WoLg.
#facebook #unitedstates #classaction
@carrieberry I think it's only reasonable to assume.
Sadly #ClassAction will only benefit buyers from the #USA, not overseas...
These sorts of infinitesimal settlements are kind of silly. Give everyone the opportunity to pool their amount and donate it to something worthwhile. It isn't worth my time and materials (I have to print my own check) to do this. #law #classaction #uber
#NYC to pay $13 million to #protesters arrested during #GeorgeFloyd protests
The city of New York has agreed to pay $13 million to hundreds of people arrested during the 2020 George Floyd demonstrations, according to attorneys for the plaintiffs, who said it was the largest #ClassAction #settlement ever paid to protesters in the United States.
#law #legal #justice #police #NYPD
#nyc #protesters #georgefloyd #classaction #settlement #law #legal #justice #police #nypd
A class action lawsuit has been filed against OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, claiming that the company’s AI training methods violated the privacy and copyright of practically everyone who has ever shared content online.
(PS. I totally masturbated to this)
#IntellectualProperty #OpenAI #CooyrightTheft #ClassAction #ChatGPT
#intellectualproperty #openai #cooyrighttheft #classaction #chatgpt