Has software industry missed the train on EU’s new liability rules? https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/news/has-software-industry-missed-the-train-on-eus-new-liability-rules/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #AILiabilityDirective #artificialintelligence #classactions
#ailiabilitydirective #ArtificialIntelligence #classactions
Has software industry missed the train on EU’s new liability rules? https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/news/has-software-industry-missed-the-train-on-eus-new-liability-rules/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #AILiabilityDirective #artificialintelligence #classactions
#ailiabilitydirective #artificialintelligence #classactions
This will be an interesting case to follow for anyone interested in the law or AI, or the intersection of the two.
RT @jayedelson
Our class action against @donotpay is on file. Can't wait for Josh to rely on his "robot lawyer" to handle this case.
#classactions https://twitter.com/a16z/status/1631020106028294150
Shameless self-promo but very excited to share that ‘The Australian Class Action: A 30 Year Perspective’ has now been published and is available here: https://federationpress.com.au/product/the-australian-class-action/
Of course, I can't squander the opportunity to share that I – with Justice Jagot and Justice Murphy – also have a chapter in this collection, exploring the relationship between open justice and class actions. #litigation #law #auslaw #classactions
#litigation #law #auslaw #classactions
I recently got some amazing feedback on two MCLEs I did in October of last year about #classactions.
I also had someone reach out last week about a MCLE I had recorded way back in 2018 about summary judgment motions in employment litigation cases.
And if this is the response I get from my boring old legal presentations, just imagine how amazing I am as a regular keynote speaker.
The credit union where I bank is proposing I agree to settle possible, future disputes with binding arbitration and that I waive the right to join a class action suit against them.
Experience with this? Thoughts? Advice?
#personalfinances #bankinglaw #creditunions #Classactions #arbitration
#arbitration #classactions #creditunions #bankinglaw #personalfinances