Sean · @Sean
45 followers · 804 posts · Server


Critical Mass Minneapolis is back! You can read about the mission at but the short of it is that we'll gather at the former Quarry encampment site on the far end of the home depot parking lot. We intend to bring attention to the dangerous precedent set by Minneapolis Public Works and MN DOT resources being used to sweep encampments while the streets in NE minneapolis continue to be wildly unsafe for pedestrians, handicapped folks, and bicyclists alike. just because we're rated among the best cities for *recreational* bicyclists doesn't mean the mission of Critical Mass is complete.

meet at the quarry around 4pm, rolling by 4:20. arrive sooner if you want to help skillshare how to cork intersections or learn about co-organizing the next ride!

#criticalmassmpls #criticalmass #minneapolis #classconsciousness #WeAreAllConnected

Last updated 1 year ago

Conservatives just don't get it.


Last updated 1 year ago

Davva · @davva23
48 followers · 836 posts · Server
Pauline von Hellermann · @pvonhellermannn
2260 followers · 7635 posts · Server

2/2 This small ’s hold on everything is at the heart of not just the but also , , (physical and mental).

Yet there is so little, almost no nowadays; we are all gripped by values and systems that are not designed to help everyone, only a few.

We need to make people recognise this stronghold and that it is breakable; that all our interests - workers, climate activists, ordinary families - are aligned here

#class #climateemergency #Costoflivingcrisis #poverty #healthcrisis #classconsciousness

Last updated 1 year ago

Cy.Maggran · @tridektikon
157 followers · 1600 posts · Server
Annietime · @annietime
192 followers · 1249 posts · Server

I’m reading The by As in , Towles is taking me on a grand tour, this time of 1938 New York and the upper echelons of the wealthy. And, like , he provides exquisite descriptions of the food served in luxury hotels: “The asparagus arrived with a touch of fanfare, presented tableside in a small copper pan. The individual spears were arranged in perfect order—each identical in length, no two overlapping. On top had been delicately scattered a mixture of buttered bread crumbs and fontina cheese which had been broiled to a crunchy, bubbling brown. The captain served the asparagus with a silver fork and spoon. Then he grated a touch of lemon peel over the plate.—Bon appétit.”

#rulesofcivility #amortowles #agentlemaninmoscow #civility #classconsciousness #books #reading #food

Last updated 1 year ago

Taina · @dianor
758 followers · 1075 posts · Server

Read the comment section on a news piece about the rise of far right populism in Finland (that obviously doesn't call the far right far right, because you cannot beat this country when it comes to both sides-bs and conservatism).

So much splaining and barking about all the things, so much fascism apologia, so much racism too. Even the good old red scare crap made appearances here and there. Because of course the communists are to blame./s

But not a single mention of our current economic system, . Not a single one.

We are so far from it feels hopeless sometimes.

#capitalism #classconsciousness

Last updated 1 year ago

Taina · @dianor
755 followers · 982 posts · Server

In discussion with people coming from this social democratic state of ours who feel very frustrated at how things are going, but who still state that "we can vote it better though", I would love to have something on hand to help them cross that line with the way neoliberal capitalism leads to the undermining of democracy. They are so so close to getting it.

Because indeed it seems to be easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. Changing our economic system does not even seem to come to mind as the solution.

How would you explain this? Voting is cool and all, but it clearly isn't fixing the things. How to explain why that is without needing several books worth of material?

#socialism #classconsciousness #democracy

Last updated 2 years ago

Taina · @dianor
737 followers · 865 posts · Server

Wouldn't a four day work week be just wonderful? How about we make it happen?

Feeling so well rested after this long weekend.

#workers #classconsciousness #workersrights #solidarity #wearesociety #anticapitalist

Last updated 2 years ago

Jordan 🌹 · @jat621
4 followers · 82 posts · Server

For eons, there has been a separate class of humans who were called divine, noble, and famous-- and all of these roles came with a certain degree of wealth and power.

But, we are entering an era where all of these terms have become outdated except for 'famous'.

An era where anyone can be famous, but not necessarily rich and powerful, will shatter the illusion that these people deserve their roles of power in the slightest.

#classconsciousness #fame #rich #anarchy

Last updated 2 years ago

Taina · @dianor
649 followers · 1965 posts · Server

What would be a good entry level writing/video/blog post on how our current neoliberal capitalism makes space for populism and fascism? Not too heavy on theory, not too long.

Literally asking for a friend who was just delivered an alt-right flyer to their mailbox and is horrified, but does not know enough about the why.

#socialistsunday #classconsciousness

Last updated 2 years ago

John · @autogestion
63 followers · 175 posts · Server


I believe an that puts too much in too few hands results in that appears foolish on the surface. But it is not foolish to the that rules over them.

doesn't come easy though. Everyone is conditioned to expect to be the way it is, even members of the who participate in the conditioning.

#uninformedpublic #power #policy #rulingclass #classconsciousness #society #media #fascism #dictatorship #medialiteracy #religion #Nationalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Beautiful AnarKitty · @Radical_EgoCom
172 followers · 538 posts · Server

Class Conscious Rudolph!

#classconsciousness #fuckyourboss

Last updated 2 years ago

Jason Quinn · @Armyjay
5 followers · 31 posts · Server

Rosa Luxemburg famously said, on August 4 1914, that the political party ‘Social Democrats Party’ - the German workers party not dissimilar from the UK Labour Party - had become, after it voted with the establishment to go to war, a “rotting corpse”.
The Labour Party, the PLP and movement, for what it’s worth, has become, like Rosa said, a ROTTING CORPSE.

#peaceandlovenotwar #stopthewar #classconsciousness #rosaluxemburg #labourparty

Last updated 2 years ago

Jason Quinn · @Armyjay
10 followers · 48 posts · Server

Rosa Luxemburg famously said, on August 4 1914, that the political party ‘Social Democrats Party’ - the German workers party not dissimilar from the UK Labour Party - had become, after it voted with the establishment to go to war, a “rotting corpse”.
The Labour Party, the PLP and movement, for what it’s worth, has become, like Rosa said, a ROTTING CORPSE.

#peaceandlovenotwar #stopthewar #classconsciousness #rosaluxemburg #labourparty

Last updated 2 years ago

Cy.Maggran · @tridektikon
77 followers · 325 posts · Server

From a morning meeting this week:

Boss: I think we are well compensated here and we--

Me, scoffing: "well paid"?

Boss: clearly we don't all agree...

Other worker: I mean I think we are paid right. They pay us what they can.

Me: 🤬

It can be frustrating out there. Stay united. Talk to your fellow proles. Stay up. ✊️

#solidarity #labor #union #unions #classconsciousness

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam Hall · @SamYourEyes
6 followers · 32 posts · Server
Dominique Reill · @dominiquereill
261 followers · 137 posts · Server

Congrats to Society for Italian Historical Studies prize winner Gregory D. Milano for his article "The Class Without Consciousness: Fascism’s ‘New’ Workers and the 1942 World’s Fair in Rome.” Learn here why the judges chose it + listen to his interview with Amanda Madden

#histodons #SIHS #ItalianFascism #WorldsFair #classconsciousness #italianhistory #rome

Last updated 2 years ago