beSpacific · @bespacific
769 followers · 1246 posts · Server

The 2023 is the firm’s 23rd annual and survey. The 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer online survey sampled more than 32,000 respondents across 28 countries. A lack of faith in societal institutions triggered by , , mass and a of has brought us to where we are today – deeply and dangerously .

#edelmantrustbarometer #trust #credibility #economicanxiety #disinformation #classdivide #failure #leadership #polarized #poverty #ecomony #government #politics #society #media #polarization

Last updated 1 year ago

Jonathan Wright · @Jon6705
243 followers · 1635 posts · Server


Doesn't it just about sum up the world today.

I'm out of work at present, and would love a meaningful job, but it has to be one I enjoy rather than one in which I feel I'm treated disrespectfully.


Last updated 2 years ago

Schroedinger · @SteveClough
155 followers · 301 posts · Server

I am watching . The show itself it not very good (the presentation is quite boring).

But also, the issue - the in the UK for so many areas of business - is so crucial. The system is fundamentally broken. So many areas of our society are explicitly and deliberately closed to those from poorer backgrounds, with non-posh accents, without the family connections.

It sucks big time.

#breakingtheglassceiling #classdivide

Last updated 2 years ago

Schroedinger · @SteveClough
205 followers · 636 posts · Server

I am watching . The show itself it not very good (the presentation is quite boring).

But also, the issue - the in the UK for so many areas of business - is so crucial. The system is fundamentally broken. So many areas of our society are explicitly and deliberately closed to those from poorer backgrounds, with non-posh accents, without the family connections.

It sucks big time.

#breakingtheglassceiling #classdivide

Last updated 2 years ago

Gopal · @gopal
76 followers · 692 posts · Server

Classic case of how capitalism tries to solves problems. Including is a commodity that can be sold for making profit and not a fundamental right of people.

"There is research that shows that air pollution is more in places in Delhi where the population density is higher and where mostly people from lower economic strata live."

#classdivide #delhi #airpollution #India #CleanAir

Last updated 2 years ago

Gopal · @gopal
89 followers · 626 posts · Server

Classic case of how capitalism tries to solves problems. Including is a commodity that can be sold for making profit and not a fundamental right of people.

"There is research that shows that air pollution is more in places in Delhi where the population density is higher and where mostly people from lower economic strata live."

#classdivide #delhi #airpollution #India #CleanAir

Last updated 2 years ago

Its not difficult to spot policies that produce .

Last year, we called out at its inception in , highlighting it was a entrenching the by giving bigger to those who were well-paid prePandemic.

We called out the policies, others too, but our voices were drowned out by .

Finally now report that, of the businesses that got extreme welfare, 53% didn't need it.

#inequality #jobkeeper #australia #scam #classdivide #welfarePayments #corporateState #australian #legacymedia #gamification #riggedsystem

Last updated 3 years ago

JPS_Lindberg · @Rosencrantz
69 followers · 1512 posts · Server

Tuesday : Of my fear that ubiquity of didn't also bring with it a common knowledge of IT, and the eruption of a new sort of .

The Rise of the Technomancer:

#column #it #classdivide #tech

Last updated 7 years ago