"Ordinary pastors, however, must be able to use Latin. They cannot do without it any more than scholars can do without Greek and Hebrew." - Martin Luther, 'Sermon on Keeping Children in School' (Am. ed. v.46, p. 233)
David and the Classical Education - Ah, poor David and his overly large-sized hands! https://grumpyoldteacher.com/2023/03/26/david-and-the-classical-education/ via @sampsongregory #ClassicalEducation #WhiteSupremacy
#classicaleducation #whitesupremacy
Wait until Florida hears about this!
Read to the end. 🕊️
#JesusChrist #ClassicalEducation #FloridaMan
#jesuschrist #classicaleducation #floridaman
Wait until Florida hears about this!
#jesuschrist #classicaleducation #floridaman
Wait until Florida hears about this.
#classicaleducation #prudesandprejudice #floridaman
So proud of my masters students. All homeschooling moms with widely varied math backgrounds, they grappled with challenging ideas and all left my course able to discuss K12 math organized by dimension and shared how they had seen Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in and through math over the course of the semester. #MTBos #SEU #classicaleducation
#classicaleducation #SEU #mtbos