#introduction time
I work in media relations in Brisbane, Australia, and also study #AncientHistory and #ClassicalLanguages.
When I'm not doing those things, I'm often walking, listening to music or taking photos (mainly architecture, urban spaces, walls...).
Evangelical about hats, Akubra Bogart or Stylemaster usually.
I''m trying to find a recipe or item of food that is not improved by the addition of ginger and/or chilli.
Everything here is in a personal capacity.
#classicallanguages #ancienthistory #introduction
Une idée pour trouver des gens intéressés (et intéressants ;-)) par les l'#antiquité et les études classiques ?
An idea on how to find interesting ppl interested by the field of #classics
#Newbie to Mastodon (#teamgrec #teamlatin #classicallanguages)
#antiquité #classics #newbie #teamgrec #teamlatin #classicallanguages