🎥📺Attention, retro enthusiasts and fans of all things fabulous! Check out this shockingly fabulous and fabulously shocking retro TV episode post on The Stop Button. It's all about "Peanuts" s01e26 - "What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown?" 🔗(https://thestopbutton.com/2018/12/13/what-have-we-learned-charlie-brown-1983/ Prepare for intense moments, stunning visuals, and a dose of historical significance. Get your popcorn ready, my vintage darlings! #RetroTV #ClassicCartoons #VintageVibes
#retrotv #classiccartoons #vintagevibes
This month in 1962 — THE BUGS BUNNY SHOW debuted on Saturday mornings on ABC.
A primetime version also ran 1960-62, but the Saturday show became the longest, continuously-running morning children's program in network TV history.
#LooneyTunes #BugsBunny #WB100 #ClassicCartoons #ClassicTV #Nostalgia
#nostalgia #classictv #classiccartoons #wb100 #bugsbunny #looneytunes
Happy birthday, LOONEY TUNES!
The first Warner Bros. theatrical cartoon short SINKIN’ IN THE BATHTUB was released on this day in 1930.
#WB100 #OnThisDay #LooneyTunes #ClassicFilm #ClassicCartoons
#classiccartoons #classicfilm #looneytunes #onthisday #wb100
Tonight in 1962 — #TopCat aired its last original episode on ABC.
Hanna-Barbera’s 2nd prime-time cartoon (after #TheFlintstones) only produced 30 shows, but they were rerun for decades.
#OnThisDay #ClassicTV #1960s #1960sTV #Nostalgia #ClassicCartoons
#classiccartoons #nostalgia #1960stv #1960s #classictv #onthisday #TheFlintstones #topcat
LOONEY TUNES Collector's Choice — coming to Blu-ray in May from Warner Archive.
20 new restorations + Blu-ray premieres!
And HBO Max can't yank it off your shelf!
https://www.animationscoop.com/warner-archive-collection-announces-looney-tunes-collectors-choice-blu-ray/ #LooneyTunes #ClassicCartoons
I'm still on the couch, and I am still watching cartoons.
#classiccartoons #theherculoids https://youtu.be/KM3Ym0zn7PU?t=33
#theherculoids #classiccartoons
Today in 1973 — #CharlottesWeb premiered.
#DebbieReynolds (as Charlotte), #PaulLynde (as Templeton) and #HenryGibson (as Wilbur) starred in this animated musical based on the book by E.B. White.
#OnThisDay #CharlottesWeb #HannaBarbera #Nostalgia #FilmMastodon #ClassicCartoons
#classiccartoons #FilmMastodon #nostalgia #hannabarbera #onthisday #henrygibson #paullynde #debbiereynolds #charlottesweb
Earthworm Jim - "Without this the Universe could be destroyed. You don't want the Universe to be destroyed, do you?"
Postcard Company President - "No, I live there."
Today in 1977 — #TheNewAdventuresOfBatman debuted on CBS.
#AdamWest and #BurtWard returned to voice the Caped Crusaders in this animated series from Filmation!
#OnThisDay #Batman66 #ClassicCartoons #SaturdayMorningCartoons #1970s #1970sTV #Nostalgia
#nostalgia #1970stv #1970s #saturdaymorningcartoons #classiccartoons #batman66 #onthisday #burtward #adamwest #thenewadventuresofbatman
Today in 1940, #TomAndJerry chased each other into movie theaters for the first time in #PussGetsTheBoot!
#WilliamHanna and #JosephBarbera’s MGM short was nominated for an Oscar — and animation icons were born.
#classiccartoons #hannabarbera #classicfilm #onthisday #josephbarbera #williamhanna #pussgetstheboot #tomandjerry
“I learned that you have to exaggerate everything in cartoons. It was great fun!”
— #JanetWaldo (1920-2016)
The voice of Judy Jetson, Penelope Pitstop, Josie from #JosieAndThePussycats and many more was born on this day.
#ClassicTV #ClassicCartoons #TheJetsons #WackyRaces #ClassicTV #1960s #1960sTV
#1960stv #1960s #wackyraces #thejetsons #classiccartoons #classictv #josieandthepussycats #janetwaldo
Tonight in 1975 — #RikkiTikkiTavi debuted on CBS.
#ChuckJones wrote, produced and directed this animated adaptation of the #RudyardKipling story about a brave mongoose.
#OrsonWelles, #JuneForay, #LesTremayne, #ShepardMenken and #LennieWeinrib provided voices.
It's streaming on Tubi:
#OnThisDay #ClassicTV #1970s #1970sTV #Animation #ClassicCartoons #Nostalgia
#nostalgia #classiccartoons #Animation #1970stv #1970s #classictv #onthisday #lennieweinrib #shepardmenken #lestremayne #juneforay #orsonwelles #rudyardkipling #ChuckJones #rikkitikkitavi
That time when MGM decided to go hard with their anti-war Christmas cartoon "Peace on Earth". Made in 1939. I remember being deeply disturbed by it when I was a child to the point of tears, but I watched it every time it popped up - usually Saturday mornings near Christmas. And it was nominated for a Nobel prize! Strangely I couldn't find the whole thing on YT, but here's a Daily Motion link. #Animation #ThrowbackThursday #ClassicCartoons #ChristmasCartoons https://dai.ly/xuiut
#animation #throwbackthursday #classiccartoons #christmascartoons
Steelheart #Silverhawks #fanart drawn with pencil then digitally inked and colored in Adobe Photoshop.
#digitalart #classiccartoons #80stv #scifi #digitalpainting #saturdaymorningcartoons
#silverhawks #fanart #DigitalArt #classiccartoons #80stv #scifi #digitalpainting #saturdaymorningcartoons
Happy 63rd birthday, #RockyAndBullwinkle!
It debuted Nov 19, 1959 as #RockyAndHisFriends w/ #JuneForay as Rocky and Natasha, #BillScott as Bullwinkle, #PaulFrees as Boris and #WilliamConrad as the Narrator.
#1960stv #classiccartoons #classictv #williamconrad #paulfrees #billscott #juneforay #rockyandhisfriends #rockyandbullwinkle