"If was a roadblock, things like this pushback isn't even a pothole. At most it's that bump in the road you expect from time to time when you're moving on to a better place and like all such bumps it's better off behind us and soon forgotten."

Check out the latest podcast: the New Alberta Denial:


#classicdenialism #15minutecities #climatelens #abpoli #cdnpoli #climatechange #yyc #climate #denialism #conspiracytheories #elxnab #urbanism #justtransition

Last updated 2 years ago

"None of this has the oomph of , the roadblock to for decades that influenced whole swaths of the global population right up until we tasted the smoke ourselves & started winning the dollars & cents game."


#classicdenialism #climateaction #renewables #abpoli #cdnpoli #climatechange #yyc #climate #denialism #conspiracytheories #elxnab

Last updated 2 years ago

Bentley · @Bentley
217 followers · 540 posts · Server canada.masto.host

If was a roadblock, things like this pushback isn't even a pothole. At most it's that bump in the road you expect from time to time when you're moving on to a better place and like all such bumps it's easily forgotten and better off behind us.

goes under the this Wednesday

Full library is available here: podcastics.com/podcast/the-cli


#classicdenialism #15minutecities #thenewdenial #climatelens #conspiracy #abpoli #cdnpoli #climatechange #yyc

Last updated 2 years ago

Bentley · @Bentley
211 followers · 531 posts · Server canada.masto.host

None of this has the oomph of , which was a powerful roadblock to for decades that influenced whole swaths of the global population right up until we tasted the smoke ourselves & started winning the dollars & cents game.

goes under the this Wednesday

Full library is available here: podcastics.com/podcast/the-cli


#classicdenialism #ClimateAction #renewables #thenewdenial #climatelens #conspiracy #abpoli #cdnpoli #climatechange #yyc

Last updated 2 years ago

Bentley · @Bentley
208 followers · 524 posts · Server canada.masto.host

By 2020 (to deny human-caused, planetary heating's actually a thing) was functionally dead. There'll always be fringe folks like , & whatever you call folks claiming means gulags. Some folks say . None of this has the oomph of Classic Denialism

goes under the this Wednesday

Full library is available here: podcastics.com/podcast/the-cli


#classicdenialism #flatearthers #climatedeniers #15minutecities #birdsarentreal #thenewdenial #climatelens #abpoli #cdnpoli #denialism

Last updated 2 years ago

Bentley · @Bentley
204 followers · 517 posts · Server canada.masto.host

This era'll be defined by how we address . History'll record much of the first 2 decades of this 21st Century was spent debating whether it even existed, despite an ever-strengthening it was indeed real, caused by humans & required collective big moves. That time, thankfully, is over. 's all but dead. What remains is .

Find out more in next week's .

Full library available here: podcastics.com/podcast/the-cli


#climatechange #globalscientificconsensus #classicdenialism #thenewdenialism #climatelens

Last updated 2 years ago