My review of Doctor Who: The Stones of Blood – Here’s One Explanation for Stonehenge #ClassicDoctorWho #DoctorWho #K9 #MaryTamm #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision #TimeLord #timetravel #TomBaker
#classicdoctorwho #doctorwho #k9 #marytamm #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision #timelord #TimeTravel #tombaker
My review of Doctor Who: The Claws of Axos – More Background Needed #ClassicDoctorWho #ColdWar #DoctorWho #JonPertwee #KatyManning #NicholasCourtney #RogerDelgado #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision #TheMaster #UNIT
#classicdoctorwho #coldwar #doctorwho #JonPertwee #katymanning #nicholascourtney #rogerdelgado #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision #TheMaster #unit
My review of Doctor Who: The Rescue/The Romans – Two Hartnell-Era Stories in One DVD Set #ancientRome #ClassicDoctorWho #DoctorWho #JacquelineHill #MaureenOBrien #Romanera #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision #WilliamHartnell #WilliamRussell
#ancientrome #classicdoctorwho #doctorwho #jacquelinehill #maureenobrien #romanera #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision #WilliamHartnell #williamrussell
My review of Doctor Who: The Curse of Peladon – The Return of the TARDIS #ClassicDoctorWho #DoctorWho #JonPertwee #KatyManning #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision
#classicdoctorwho #doctorwho #JonPertwee #katymanning #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision
So I did a bit more research into Doctor Who being removed from BritBox (Australia)
It seems the reason is the Disney Plus deal, the same deal that means the ABC won't showing Doctor Who either.
My main question is whether the Classic episodes will land on D+ anytime soon.
The era I still had curiosity about was the 1st and 2nd Doctors.
#doctorwho #classicdoctorwho #britbox #disneyplus
Hello! We're back this week and our review story is the Third Doctor six-parter from Series 8 - Colony in Space.
We'd love your thoughts as always so reply here with your mini-review and score out of 10. Thank you!
#doctorwhopodcast #classicdoctorwho #DoctorWho
For episode 379 this week, we're hoping over to see the Fourth Doctor for our review of Underworld.
We'd love to hear your thoughts as always so reply here with your mini-review and score out of 10! Thank you.
#Podcast #doctorwhopodcast #classicdoctorwho #DoctorWho
My review of Doctor Who: Planet of Evil – Gothic Horror In Space #ClassicDoctorWho #DoctorWho #ElisabethSladen #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision #TomBaker
#classicdoctorwho #doctorwho #elisabethsladen #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision #tombaker
If I could go back in time and tell 14-year-old me that I'd have this much Doctor Who at my fingertips, he'd certainly believe I came from the future.
I should point out I have physical copies of these; I plop 'em on a Jellyfin server for convenience.
Our second part of our #SecondDoctor #Cyberpalooza for February is looking at one of the #ClassicDoctorWho all-time greats. Join Geoff as he talks #TheTomboftheCybermen
#doctorwho #podcast #60s #cybermen
#seconddoctor #cyberpalooza #classicdoctorwho #thetombofthecybermen #doctorwho #Podcast #60s #cybermen
For episode 376 this week we're reviewing the Fourth Doctor story The Android Invasion.
We'd love your thoughts as always so please reply here with your mini-review and score out of 10. Thank you!
#doctorwhopodcast #Podcast #classicdoctorwho #DoctorWho
Evening, all.
Here we go: this is my #review of #TheWarlords: episode 4 of classic #Doctor story, #TheCrusade
I’m just not sure if it’ll be taken the wrong way …
#Vicki #Ian #Barbara
#JacquelineHill #WilliamRussell #MaureenObrien
#review #thewarlords #doctor #thecrusade #drwho #classicdoctorwho #williamhartnell #1stdoctor #vicki #ian #barbara #jacquelinehill #WilliamRussell #maureenobrien #julianglover
The episode where they behead K9 should come with a content warning. 🙈 #ClassicDoctorWho #DoctorWho #FullCircle
#classicdoctorwho #doctorwho #fullcircle
My review of Doctor Who: The Ribos Operation – New Season, New Companion, New Story-Arc #ClassicDoctorWho #DoctorWho #DVDReview #MaryTamm #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision #TomBaker
#classicdoctorwho #doctorwho #dvdreview #marytamm #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision #tombaker
Here’s my review of #TheLion Episode one of #classic #DoctorWho story, #TheCrusade
#DrWho #DoctorWho #ClassicDoctorWho #WilliamHartnell #FirstDoctor #TheCrusade #TheLion
I hope everyone enjoys it.
#thelion #classic #doctorwho #thecrusade #drwho #classicdoctorwho #williamhartnell #FirstDoctor
"I never did leave #DoctorWho because it never left me."'
The timeless #TomBaker is 89 today.
#ClassicTV #1970s #1970sTV #Nostalgia #BritishTV #ClassicDoctorWho
#classicdoctorwho #britishtv #nostalgia #1970stv #1970s #classictv #tombaker #DoctorWho
Bio says it all, but putting it here for an #introduction.
Lifelong technologist with 20+ years of professional #IT experience. Many focuses, but especially #cybersecurity. I've worked with #democracy NGOs for over a decade. #Apple user predominantly, but I don't discriminate when it comes to new toys and tech.
Electronic music enthusiast and #ClassicDoctorWho theme aficionado (plus Segun Akinola's brilliant rendition). Also big on #StarTrek (especially #DS9), #Babylon5, #Stargate, and more.
#introduction #it #cybersecurity #democracy #apple #classicdoctorwho #startrek #ds9 #babylon5 #stargate
Really enjoying watching #ClassicDoctorWho but the shaking camera effects make me woozy. 🤢 #DoctorWho
My review of Doctor Who: Pyramids of Mars – The Doctor Meets a Mummy #ClassicDoctorWho #DoctorWho #ElisabethSladen #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision #TomBaker
#classicdoctorwho #doctorwho #elisabethsladen #sciencefiction #sciencefictiontelevision #tombaker