Ceiling-Mounted Orrery is an Excercise in Simplicity - Ever since humans figured out that planets move along predetermined paths in the h... - https://hackaday.com/2023/09/09/ceiling-mounted-orrery-is-an-excercise-in-simplicity/ #classichacks #cncmachined #planetarium #planets #orrery #space
#space #orrery #planets #Planetarium #cncmachined #classichacks
Transistor Radio Repair, More Complex Than It Seems - The humble transistor radio is one of those consumer devices that stubbornly refus... - https://hackaday.com/2023/09/07/transistor-radio-repair-more-complex-than-it-seems/ #germaniumtransistors #transistorradio #classichacks #repairhacks #repair #am
#am #repair #repairhacks #classichacks #transistorradio #germaniumtransistors
The Neo6502 is a Credit-Card Sized Retro Computer - The venerable MOS Technology 6502 turned up in all kinds of computers and other di... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/31/the-neo6502-is-a-credit-card-sized-retro-computer/ #retrocomputing #classichacks #neo6502 #w65c02
#w65c02 #neo6502 #classichacks #retrocomputing
New Take on the Camera Obscura Brings Paris Indoors - We haven’t checked, but we’ll go out on a limb here and say this is the first proj... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/19/new-take-on-the-camera-obscura-brings-paris-indoors/ #cameraobscura #classichacks #eiffeltower #doveprism #pinhole #paris #prism
#prism #paris #pinhole #doveprism #eiffeltower #classichacks #cameraobscura
A Time-Lapse Film, Not A Time-Lapse Video - We’re used to time-lapse photography being merely a feature of our smartphone came... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/19/a-time-lapse-film-not-a-time-lapse-video/ #classichacks #timelapse #bolex #16mm #film
#film #16mm #bolex #timelapse #classichacks
Vintage Artificial Horizon Is Beautiful in Motion - Attitude indicators are super useful if you’re flying a plane, particularly in fog... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/15/vintage-artificial-horizon-is-beautiful-in-motion/ #artificialhorizon #classichacks #avionics
#avionics #classichacks #artificialhorizon
PentaBlinky – When One LED Is Not Blinky Enough - [michimartini] over on Hackaday.io loves playing with multivibrator circuits, and ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/10/pentablinky-when-one-led-is-not-blinky-enough/ #discretetransistors #ringoscillator #classichacks #ledhacks #blinky #led
#led #blinky #ledhacks #classichacks #ringoscillator #discretetransistors
A Modern Replacement for the ZX Spectrum’s Odd Tape Storage System - Unless you were lucky enough to be able to afford a floppy disk drive, you probabl... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/29/a-modern-replacement-for-the-zx-spectrums-odd-tape-storage-system/ #raspberrypipico #retrocomputing #classichacks #tapeemulator #zxmicrodrive #microdrive #zxspectrum
#zxspectrum #microdrive #zxmicrodrive #tapeemulator #classichacks #retrocomputing #raspberrypipico
The Right Equipment Makes a Difference for Digital Oscilloscope Music - We all love our cheap digital oscilloscopes, and with good reason. But if there’s ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/29/the-right-equipment-makes-a-difference-for-digital-oscilloscope-music/ #digitaloscilloscope #classichacks #dc-coupled #toolhacks #isolator #analog #usb #x-y
#x #usb #analog #isolator #toolhacks #dc #classichacks #digitaloscilloscope
2023 Hackaday Prize: A Smart Powermeter That You Actually Want - [Jon] wanted to keep track of his home power use, but didn’t want to have to push ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/24/2023-hackaday-prize-a-smart-powermeter-that-you-actually-want/ #2023hackadayprize #powermanagement #currentsensing #homeautomation #classichacks #greenhacks #contests #esphome
#esphome #contests #greenhacks #classichacks #homeautomation #currentsensing #powermanagement #2023hackadayprize
Sniffing Passwords, Rickrolling Toothbrushes - If you could dump the flash from your smart toothbrush and reverse engineer it, en... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/18/sniffing-passwords-rickrolling-toothbrushes/ #reverseengineering #classichacks #toothbrush #passwords #security #sniffing #crc
#crc #sniffing #security #passwords #toothbrush #classichacks #reverseengineering
Recreating The Golden Era of Cable TV - Fewer and fewer people have cable TV subscriptions these days, due to a combinatio... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/13/recreating-the-golden-era-of-cable-tv/ #homeentertainmenthacks #classichacks #cablenetwork #television #nostalgia #tvnetwork #cabletv #retro #90s #tv
#tv #90s #retro #cabletv #tvnetwork #nostalgia #television #cablenetwork #classichacks #homeentertainmenthacks
The Chess Computer from 1912 - Who was [Leonardo Torres Quevedo]? Not exactly a household name, but as [IEEE Spec... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/03/the-chess-computer-from-1912/ #chesscomputer #classichacks #mechanical #automaton #chess
#chess #automaton #mechanical #classichacks #chesscomputer
Repairing a $25,000 HP Workstation to Run Pac-Man - The microcomputer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s turned computers from expensiv... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/20/repairing-a-25000-hp-workstation-to-run-pac-man/ #retrocomputing #classichacks #repairhacks #workstation #hp9836c #gpib #hp
#hp #gpib #hp9836c #workstation #repairhacks #classichacks #retrocomputing
Modern Brownie Camera Talks SD and WiFi - If you’re at all into nostalgic cameras, you’ve certainly seen the old Brownie fro... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/11/modern-brownie-camera-talks-sd-and-wifi/ #digitalcamerashacks #classichacks #camera #esp32 #kodak
#kodak #esp32 #camera #classichacks #digitalcamerashacks
Crafting Ribbon Cables for Retro Hardware - Building a modern computer is something plenty of us have done, and with various t... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/10/crafting-ribbon-cables-for-retro-hardware/ #retrocomputing #customization #classichacks #floppydrive #ribboncable #diskdrive #idecable #parallel #cable #tools
#tools #cable #parallel #idecable #diskdrive #ribboncable #floppydrive #classichacks #customization #retrocomputing
Op-Amp Contest: Virtual Ball-in-a-Box Responds to Your Motions - With the incredible variety of projects submitted to our Op-Amp Contest, you’d alm... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/07/op-amp-contest-virtual-ball-in-a-box-responds-to-your-motions/ #analogcomputer #accelerometer #classichacks #miniaturecrt #ballinbox #contests #opamps #tl072
#tl072 #opamps #contests #ballinbox #miniaturecrt #classichacks #accelerometer #analogcomputer
That Handheld 386SX Gets a Teardown - A few weeks ago our community was abuzz with the news of a couple of new portable ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/06/that-handheld-386sx-gets-a-teardown/ #computerhacks #classichacks #windows95 #386sx #dos
#dos #386sx #windows95 #classichacks #computerhacks
Protect Vintage Gear with Easy Capacitor Reforming - Having acquired some piece of old electronic equipment, be it a computer, radio, o... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/05/protect-vintage-gear-with-easy-capacitor-reforming/ #electrolyticcapacitor #voltagerating #classichacks #repairhacks #capacitor #reforming
#reforming #capacitor #repairhacks #classichacks #voltagerating #electrolyticcapacitor
Here’s How To Build a Tiny Compiler From Scratch https://hackaday.com/2023/05/21/heres-how-to-build-a-tiny-compiler-from-scratch/ #computerhacks #SoftwareHacks #classichacks #s-expression #helloworld #compiler #binary
#computerhacks #SoftwareHacks #classichacks #s #helloworld #compiler #binary