The top five awesomely verbose titles of Philip K. Dick novels:
5. Puttering About in a Small Land
4. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
3. Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
2. Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb
1. The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike
#PhilipKDick #pkdNovels #books #classicScienceFiction #sf #scifi #scienceFiction #fiction #litfic #literature #literaryFiction
#philipkdick #pkdnovels #books #classicsciencefiction #sf #scifi #sciencefiction #fiction #litfic #literature #literaryfiction
Just finished reading H. G. Well’s 1895 debut novel, THE TIME MACHINE (w/ an introduction by Greg Bear). I’d never read a single story by Wells (only seen film adaptations). Reading the original novel has been on my “must do” for a looong time.
Given the current state of climate catastrophe, dwindling resources, & global political & religious extremism, though, Well’s view of humanity’s decline seems almost naively gentle.
#amreading #sciencefiction #scifi #books #classicsciencefiction
#amreading #sciencefiction #scifi #books #classicsciencefiction
...and the brothel madam in Tobe Hooper's #EatenAlive (1976). Best remembered as the first and best screen #Morticia (and her sister Ophelia Frump) in ABC's #TheAddamsFamily (1964-66).
#CarolynJones #BornOnThisDay #BOTD #OTD #CultTV #CultTelevision #Gothic #ClassicHorror #ClassicScienceFiction #FilmNoir
#eatenalive #morticia #theaddamsfamily #carolynjones #bornonthisday #botd #otd #culttv #culttelevision #gothic #classichorror #classicsciencefiction #filmnoir
#LunchtimeReading : One Billion Years to the End of the World, by the Strugatsky brothers, translated by Antonia W Bouis, published @PenguinUKBooks , pick for the February #Edinburgh SF Book Group.
#AmReading #books #ScienceFiction #OneBillionYearsToTheEndOfTheWorld #ClassicScienceFiction #livres #crackers #lunch #StrugstskyBrothers #ArkadyAndBorisStrugatsky #PenguinClassics #SovietScienceFiction
#sovietsciencefiction #penguinclassics #arkadyandborisstrugatsky #strugstskybrothers #lunch #crackers #livres #classicsciencefiction #onebillionyearstotheendoftheworld #sciencefiction #books #amreading #edinburgh #lunchtimereading