RT @SpenceMcDaniel
Any young man who thinks that "acting like Odysseus" is a *good* thing either hasn't read the 'Odyssey' or hasn't read it nearly carefully enough.
Also, the Greek conception of a ἥρως had little to do with any 21st-century Catholic notion of "virtue."
RT @ClassicsAcademy
Pic of a group of potsherds containing scratched names, known as #ostraka. When an Athenian assembly was deciding whether to exile an individual, voting was carried out by scratching names on an ostrakon. Names seen here include Megacles & Hippocratos.
RT @acmrs_asu
Don't forget—we are HIRING a Postdoctoral Research Scholar to pursue their research and work with us on the #RaceB4Race curricula development project! Please share widely and apply before May 1! https://apply.interfolio.com/122559 #ASUHumanities #ShakeRace #MedievalTwitter #ClassicsTwitter
#raceb4race #asuhumanities #shakerace #medievaltwitter #classicstwitter
The art is really, really great. LOOK AT THAT SEXY WAX TABLET IN THE LOADING SCREEN. LOOK AT THE TEXTURE ON THAT LAMP. Okay, the gorgoneion pendant looks more like a Roman mosaic, but the Athenian coins are cool. (#classicstwitter confirmed my suspicion that the inscription used on the tablet is, in fact, post-Roman. The Latin bit gives it away)
#SteamNextFest #archaeogaming
#classicstwitter #SteamNextFest #archaeogaming
So one of the things that is difficult for the Interactive History project is getting detailed enough research for an ancient historical figure (enough to speculate about the choices they made and might have made.
I'm so excited to finally be able to point my advanced 9th grade readers who are working on Roman research topics for their Interactive History project to excerpts from my book for Cicero and Caesar support https://www.amazon.com/Rivalries-that-Destroyed-Roman-Republic/dp/152673317X/
On sale, btw
#ancientworldhistory #classicstwitter
Das sieht herrlich aus! Am liebsten würde ich gleich hineinspringen! Aber... vielleicht sollte ich doch besser bis zur Freibadsaison warten?
RT @KelmClassDept@twitter.com
Wow! We made it! 🛁 @RomanBathsBath@twitter.com #RomanBaths #Roma #AquaeSulis #AquaeCalidae #SanitasPerAquam #ClassicsTwitter #TeachClassics #VisitBath @NSTSchoolTrips@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KelmClassDept/status/1618975065823133697
#romanbaths #Roma #aquaesulis #aquaecalidae #sanitasperaquam #classicstwitter #teachclassics #visitbath
RT @CosisOdyssey
so this is officially the best journal article title I have ever seen. ever. #ClassicsTwitter 🍆
Hey #ClassicsTwitter, this site says the practice of toasting began in Ancient Greece to prove some wasn’t poisoned. Leaving all else aside, do you know of any evidence that the practice of drinking from a communal cup/jug was to show it was safe? https://www.toastmasters.org/magazine/articles/the-history-of-toasting
Estrenem mastodon.
Nova entrada al blog: Còmic és millor: ressenya de Golfus de Roma
#classicstwitter #teatrecatala #teatremusical #musicals #sondheim
#classicstwitter #teatrecatala #teatremusical #musicals #sondheim
RT @Alex_Vandewalle
Today in the "Britannia on the Board" blog series: Maurice Suckling (@WriteGameRead) discusses how the rules and gameplay of his board game Rebellion: Britannia was informed by the history of 1st century Roman Britain. #archaeogaming #ClassicsTwitter
#archaeogaming #classicstwitter
RT @Alex_Vandewalle
Today we start our new Paizomen blog posts! David Serrano Lozano (@dserranolozano) kicks off the 'Entering #TheForgottenCity' series, discussing what makes the game stand out, as well as his interviews with its consultants. #archaeogaming #ClassicsTwitter
#theforgottencity #archaeogaming #classicstwitter
In 'Call Me By Your Name ' by Andre Aciman, Oliver (a Classics PhD student) is described as having "the red
Loeb edition of Lucretius that never left his side." (P. 67)
What Classical text are you permanently attached to?
#classicsstudies #Classics #classicstwitter #AncientMed #ancienthistory #antiquitydon #antiquity #Callmebyyourname #ancientrome #ancientgreece #archaeology #archaeodon
#classicsstudies #classics #classicstwitter #ancientmed #ancienthistory #antiquitydon #antiquity #Callmebyyourname #ancientrome #ancientgreece #archaeology #archaeodon
There's probably something in Eleanor Dickey's “Greek forms of address”, as there's an explanation about this for Latin in her book on the same topic for Latin.
RT @EllieMRoberts@twitter.com
Has anyone written about female names in ancient Greek? Either there's not a lot or my google scholar skills are HIGHLY lacking today. Suggestions #ClassicsTwitter #AncMedTwitter?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EllieMRoberts/status/1598652705127424001
#classicstwitter #AncMedTwitter
Classicstober 16 νεκυια (necromancy) (Repost from Twitter). Birds perhaps being a way to communicate with the dead. Another archaeological favourite from my undergrad | Gouache, watercolour, and coloured pencil on watercolour paper.
#ClassicsTwitter #illustration #gouache #watercolour #colouredpencil #classics #classicstober #archaeology #ancienthistory
#ancienthistory #archaeology #ClassicsTober #classics #colouredpencil #watercolour #gouache #illustration #classicstwitter
Since 2018 I have been reasonably active in #ClassicsTwitter circles in the other place, live tweeting whatever caught my eye in my studies and following lists of classics researchers, students and enthusiasts. So I'd be keen to connect with anyone who finds their way here.
Thank you also to @lizcovart, @kawulf and @jmadelman for inviting us over.
RT @TraffTweets@twitter.com
Mosaic depicting Europa and the Bull. Zeus is in the guise of a fish-tailed bull.
From Aplomata, Naxos, and now housed in the Archaeological Museum of Naxos.
#MosaicMonday #Greece #ClassicsTwitter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TraffTweets/status/1597137454028689409
#MosaicMonday #greece #classicstwitter
RT @postclassics@twitter.com
Why Zeus doesn’t cheat on Hera (a #ClassicsTwitter thread 🧵) 1/19
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/postclassics/status/1596154857622474752
Classicstober 15 Monument. Not sure what I’m going to do for necromancy tomorrow now 😅 (repost from Twitter) | Gouache, watercolour, and coloured pencil on watercolour paper.
#ClassicsTwitter #illustration #gouache #watercolour #colouredpencil #classics #classicstober #archaeology #ancienthistory
#ancienthistory #archaeology #ClassicsTober #classics #colouredpencil #watercolour #gouache #illustration #classicstwitter
Classicstober 14 Luna. (repost from Twitter) | Gouache, watercolour, and coloured pencil on watercolour paper.
#ClassicsTwitter #illustration #gouache #watercolour #colouredpencil #classics #classicstober #archaeology #ancienthistory
#ancienthistory #archaeology #ClassicsTober #classics #colouredpencil #watercolour #gouache #illustration #classicstwitter
Classicstober 13 Serpentine. (repost from Twitter) | Gouache, watercolour, and coloured pencil on watercolour paper.
#ClassicsTwitter #illustration #gouache #watercolour #colouredpencil #classics #classicstober #archaeology #ancienthistory
#ancienthistory #archaeology #ClassicsTober #classics #colouredpencil #watercolour #gouache #illustration #classicstwitter