Here are 10 things you should know about George Macready, born 124 years ago today. He had a knack for portraying elegantly villainous characters. #CharacterActors #OldMovies #FilmNoir #ClassicHollywood #ClassicTelevision #ClassicMovies
#characteractors #oldmovies #filmnoir #classichollywood #classictelevision #classicmovies
Married...With Children season 7 episode 9
#ClassicSitcoms #TVClassics #TVFavorites #ClassicTelevision
#classictelevision #tvfavorites #TVClassics #classicsitcoms
Married....With Children season 6 episode 8
#ClassicSitcoms #TVClassics #TVFavorites #ClassicTelevision
#classictelevision #tvfavorites #TVClassics #classicsitcoms
Magnum P.I. season 1 episode 15
Fans of Cheers will recognize the guest star
#MagnumPI #80sTV #PrivateInvestigator #MustacheMagic #TVClassics #80sNostalgia #TVFavorites #ClassicTelevision
#classictelevision #tvfavorites #80snostalgia #TVClassics #mustachemagic #PRIVATEINVESTIGATOR #80stv #magnumpi
Watching "Mister Peepers: The Janitor Takes Time Off" on Tubi . #MisterPeepers #WallyCox #ClassicTelevision
#misterpeepers #wallycox #classictelevision
Good Times season 1 episode 11
#ClassicSitcoms #TVClassics #TVFavorites #ClassicTelevision #70stv #70snostalgia
#70snostalgia #70stv #classictelevision #tvfavorites #TVClassics #classicsitcoms
For May-June 2023, my #ClassicTV #WatchList looks something like this:
#AcapulcoHEAT #Batman #BostonBlackie #Branded #TheBurningZone #HarryO #Highlander #HillStreetBlues #ItTakesAThief #KungFuTheLegendContinues #MagnumPI #McCloud #MikeHammer #MissionImpossible #MollyDodd #RudeAwakening #TheStreetsOfSanFrancisco #30Rock #Vegas #Viper
#ClassicTV #ClassicTelevision
#90sTV #80sTV #70sTV #60sTV #40sMovies
#classictv #watchlist #acapulcoheat #batman #bostonblackie #branded #theburningzone #harryo #highlander #hillstreetblues #ittakesathief #kungfuthelegendcontinues #magnumpi #mccloud #mikehammer #missionimpossible #mollydodd #rudeawakening #thestreetsofsanfrancisco #30rock #vegas #viper #classictelevision #90stv #80stv #70stv #60stv #40smovies
A Hanna-Barbera show that never was... here’s my rather late (but still heartfelt!) contribution to the amazing array of #DrawColumbo illustrations already submitted for an upcoming exhibition at Jam Bookshop in London!
#MastoArt #VectorArt #Illustration #LA #LosAngeles #LAstreetScene #detective #TVdetective #sleuth #Mystery #WhoDunnit #Columbo #70sTV #retroTV #retroTVshows #ClassicTelevision #BassettHound #DogCalledDog #RainCoat #CigarSmoker #Stogie #Illustrator #AffinityDesigner #AmDrawing
#drawcolumbo #mastoart #vectorart #illustration #la #losangeles #lastreetscene #detective #tvdetective #sleuth #mystery #whodunnit #columbo #70stv #retrotv #retrotvshows #classictelevision #bassetthound #dogcalleddog #raincoat #cigarsmoker #stogie #illustrator #affinitydesigner #amdrawing
Watching "Mister Peepers: The Chess Match" on Tubi . #MisterPeepers #WallyCox #ClassicTelevision
#misterpeepers #wallycox #classictelevision
For April, my #ClassicTV watchlist looks something like this:
#FridayThe13th #BarneyMiller #HighwayPatrol #TheOddCouple #Cheers #NightCourt #AreYouBeingServed? #Werewolf #TalesFromTheCrypt #Columbo #FernwoodTonight #FamousFive #Isis #30Rock #Highlander #ForeverKnight #Frasier #Batman #FalconCrest #RudeAwakening #MollyDodd #MagnumPI #MikeHammer #HarryO #TheStreetsOfSanFrancisco
#ClassicTV #ClassicTelevision
#90sTV #80sTV #70sTV #60sTV #50sTV
#classictv #fridaythe13th #barneymiller #highwaypatrol #theoddcouple #cheers #nightcourt #areyoubeingserved #werewolf #talesfromthecrypt #Columbo #fernwoodtonight #FamousFive #isis #30rock #highlander #foreverknight #frasier #batman #falconcrest #rudeawakening #mollydodd #magnumpi #mikehammer #harryo #thestreetsofsanfrancisco #classictelevision #90stv #80stv #70stv #60stv #50stv
Here are 10 things you should know about Richard Denning, born 109 years ago today. He was a reliable performer in pictures, radio and television over a career spanning nearly 50 years. #OldMovies #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #ClassicHollywood #OldTimeRadio #ClassicTelevision #1950sSciFiMovies
#oldmovies #classicfilm #classicmovies #classichollywood #oldtimeradio #classictelevision #1950sscifimovies
For March, my #ClassicTV watchlist looks something like this:
#GvsE #Two #30Rock #JustShootMe! #Benson #TheHardyBoys #Catweazle #TheNewAvengers #ThisIsDavidLander #Riptide #WarOfTheWorlds #Gargoyles #MisfitsOfScience #McMillanAndWife #Werewolf #TheHunger #FalconCrest #RudeAwakening #MollyDodd #TheDaysAndNightsOfMollyDodd #IDreamOfJeannie #TJHooker #Fernwood2Night #ForeverKnight
#classictv #gvse #two #30rock #justshootme #benson #thehardyboys #catweazle #thenewavengers #thisisdavidlander #riptide #waroftheworlds #gargoyles #misfitsofscience #mcmillanandwife #werewolf #thehunger #falconcrest #rudeawakening #mollydodd #thedaysandnightsofmollydodd #idreamofjeannie #tjhooker #fernwood2night #foreverknight #classictelevision #90stv #80stv #70stv #60stv
RT @thetalentguru
.@thetalentguru #TCMParty #ClassicTelevision #VintageTV
Barbara Bosson, the Emmy-nominated actress best known for her role as Fay Furillo on NBC's "#HillStreetBlues," has died, her son confirmed. She was 83.
#TCMParty #classictelevision #vintagetv #ripbarbarabosson #hillstreetblues
Here are 10 things you should know about Grant Withers, born 118 years ago today. He enjoyed leading man status early in his career, but by the 1940s had transitioned to character parts. #OldMovies #SilentMovies #ClassicFilm #ClassicTV #ClassicTelevision #ClassicMovies #CharacterActors #PrecodeMovies #ClassicBroadway
#oldmovies #silentmovies #classicfilm #classictv #classictelevision #classicmovies #characteractors #precodemovies #classicbroadway
Are there any fans of ‘The Professionals’ on here?
#ClassicTV #TheProfessionals #BodieAndDoyle #ClassicTelevision
#classictv #TheProfessionals #bodieanddoyle #classictelevision
Carl Kleinschmitt, R.I.P.
#FediTips - Connected #hashtags
Climate: #ClimateChange #Sustainability #ClimateCrisis
Gardening: #GardeningMastodon #UrbanGardening #Herbs
Geology: #Volcano #GeologyRocks #Fossils
Humour: #Comedy #Funny #Joke #Memes
Literature: #SciFi #Fiction #Nonfiction #Novels
Music: #MusicNews #NowPlaying #Records
Psychology: #SocialPsychology #Neuroscience #CognitiveDevelopment
Television: #TV #ClassicTelevision #Series
Videogames: #Gaming #VideoJuegos #RetroGaming
#feditips #hashtags #climatechange #sustainability #climatecrisis #GardeningMastodon #urbangardening #herbs #volcano #geologyrocks #fossils #comedy #funny #joke #memes #scifi #fiction #nonfiction #novels #musicnews #nowplaying #records #socialpsychology #neuroscience #cognitivedevelopment #tv #classictelevision #series #gaming #videojuegos #retrogaming
Climate: #ClimateChange #Sustainability #ClimateCrisis
Gardening: #GardeningMastodon #UrbanGardening #Herbs
Geology: #Volcano #GeologyRocks #Fossils
Humour: #Comedy #Funny #Joke #Memes
Literature: #SciFi #Fiction #Nonfiction #Novels
Music: #MusicNews #NowPlaying #Records
Psychology: #SocialPsychology #Neuroscience #CognitiveDevelopment
Television: #TV #ClassicTelevision #Series
Videogames: #Gaming #VideoJuegos #RetroGaming
#retrogaming #fiction #novels #musicnews #GardeningMastodon #funny #joke #memes #scifi #nonfiction #cognitivedevelopment #herbs #gaming #climatechange #sustainability #climatecrisis #urbangardening #geologyrocks #series #videojuegos #volcano #fossils #comedy #socialpsychology #neuroscience #tv #classictelevision #nowplaying #records