Tabea Lurk (2022). Please mind the gap(s)! Kunst als Daten im Kontext einer wissenschaftlichen Fachbibliothek. Young Information Scientist 7 (2022), 29-46. #FAIRPrinciples #Arts #DataManagement #Typologies #Classifications
#FAIRprinciples #arts #datamanagement #typologies #classifications
Such a fantastic paper by Moran Levy on the relationship between diagnosis and therapy!
A powerful argument for the importance of social science for understanding medical #classifications and medical practice.
#classifications #science #medicine
Such a fantastic paper by Moran Levy on the relationship between diagnosis and therapy!
A powerful argument for the importance of social science for understanding medical #classifications and medical practice.
#classifications #science #medicine
The PDSKJI defines #homosexuals and #bisexuals as “#people with #psychiatric problems” while #transgender people have “#mental_disorders”. The #classifications are in #stark_contrast to those of the World Health Organization (#WHO), which #removed #homosexuality from its #list of #psychiatric_disorders on May 17, 1990.
#psychiatric_disorders #list #homosexuality #removed #who #stark_contrast #classifications #Mental_Disorders #transgender #psychiatric #people #bisexuals #homosexuals
A book review of "Classifying the Cosmos: How We Can Make Sense of the Celestial Landscape" by Steven J. Dick, that attempts to classify astronomical objects via a taxonomy.
#Astronomy #Space #Classifications
#astronomy #space #classifications