Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1431 followers · 102146 posts · Server

@wakame @LunaDragofelis @BravelySemantha

That is literally how works.

We see this everyday with CEOs kicking downwards on managers kicking down on employees kicking down on subcontractors.

Or with filthy-rich people making rich people fight affluent people fighting people with stable income fighting people with unstable income fighting unemployed people fighting homeless people.

It's the capitalist pecking order!


Last updated 1 year ago

violetmadder · @violetmadder
115 followers · 472 posts · Server

Philadelphia, 2016. Outside the Dunkin Donuts across the street from City Hall, very late one of those oppressively muggy nights. Attendees of the Democratic National Convention emerged from the subway station, hungry and tired.

Among a cluster of Hillary delegates-- you can tell from a block away, they're the ones dressed for a fancy cocktail party-- a man wearing a nice gray suit with a shiny pink tie and a convention lanyard sighed in tipsy happiness and said to me, "I don't know how anybody could have seen Obama's speech tonight and not feel inspired!"

Oh boy. Here we go. "Well, he's broken a lot of promises, and a lot of us just don't trust him anymore." I answered carefully.

"How could that be, what has Obama ever done wrong?"

"He supports the TPP, for one thing."

Laughing, he scoffed: "Who wants those jobs, anyway?" 

"I do." I held his eyes calmly. Unsmiling.

With absolutely no sign of awareness of the fact he'd just given a very casual finger to a huge swath of proud American labor, he rationally explained to me that the poor are only poor because they buy too many TVs. I told him slowly, "....That's class prejudice, right there. What you just said."

"Yes." he confirmed cheerfully, without hesitation.

I just stood there for several seconds staring at him with my mouth open. Stunned.

I remember telling him, "Obama dropped more bombs than the Bushes ever dreamed."

And that's when he lost his shit. He sputtered as if I'd slapped him, raised and pointed an accusing finger at me like this just turned into Invasion of the Bodysnatchers, and began screaming at me: "SHAME ON YOU! SHAME ON YOU!"

Bewildered, I tried to ask, "...Why? For what? What did I do?" Seriously, what the actual fuck. 


"Really?" What I would give to know what on earth was going through his head then, but his eyes had gone glassy. Furious, shaking, and red-faced, all he could do was repeat himself, completely unhinged. I shook my head at him, gave up, and turned away to remove myself from the situation. His shouts followed me across the street. 

"SHAME ON YOU! ....AND THAT'S COMING FROM A MAN IN A TIE!!" was his idea of a triumphant parting shot. 

That's the DNC in a nutshell, for me: smug, rotten aristocrats totally convinced that they're not morally bankrupt.


#seeyouinphilly #primary #primary2016 #democraticparty #dnc #BlueMAGA #classism

Last updated 1 year ago

Sasyecat · @sasyecat
164 followers · 7655 posts · Server

Are the poor just not poor enough to make the rich feel extra special? Beg to get your taxes cut yet again and the poor can just go hungry.


Last updated 1 year ago

Detangling the nostalgic, classist, racist, sexist, and ageist threads of claims about less civility in US public...
Or, Sympathy for the Karens and Chads ?

#uspol #classism #trash #publicfreakouts #precarity

Last updated 1 year ago

Richard · @richard
262 followers · 67 posts · Server

A familiar (and ancient) story and an important read on and . People think it is a stereotype to say that so many people in prison suffer from serious mental health problems. It is in fact very true. The article only goes briefly into that aspect, but is it an important inclusion.

In a broken Britain, the Tories zero in on shoplifters stealing Calpol and food for their children

#poverty #mentalhealth #classism #ableism

Last updated 1 year ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
771 followers · 20310 posts · Server
Megan Lynch (she/her) · @ml
611 followers · 1363 posts · Server

The problem is larger even than patriarchy...racism, ethnocentrism, classism come into play when it comes to proper attribution & credit for collections.

Forrest relied on local Naxi people, and most especially upon Zhao Chengzhang, whose invaluability he acknowledges in correspondence with others, but not in the published scientific articles/record.

#botany2023 #racism #classism #womenInSTEM

Last updated 1 year ago

Shades · @shades
821 followers · 4331 posts · Server

by in :

"According to the study, 63 of the 113 deaths during that span were Black women, who were also two times more likely to die from pregnancy-related illness than white women in the state. A DPH spokesperson told Capital B Atlanta that 85% of the deaths involving Black women were preventable."

#kenyahunter #capitalb #blackwomen #womenshealth #health #healthcare #pregnancy #maternity #maternalmortality #mortality #cardiomyopathy #embolisms #classism #racism

Last updated 1 year ago

· @Darren
5 followers · 43 posts · Server
SaltPhoenix · @saltphoenix
324 followers · 2630 posts · Server

Coming to the full realization that foodies come in various forms.
MY type of foodies are of the "historic cookery" nerd type of foodies and people who cook what they grow, etc and not the "I have money to make people wait on me, therefore I am a superior foodie" type of

#Community #eatlocal #garden #farm #forage #hunt #foodie #cooking #classism #foodforall #growsomeshit

Last updated 1 year ago

WIST Quotations · @WISTquote
62 followers · 911 posts · Server

A quotation from Baldwin, James:

It comes as a great shock around the age of 5, or 6, or 7, to discover that the flag to which you have pledged allegiance, along with everybody else, has not pledged allegiance to you.

Full quote, sourcing, notes:

#quote #quotes #quotation #allegiance #america #americandream #classism #exclusion #flag #loyalty #meme #racism

Last updated 1 year ago

Al Gorithm · @TheBreadmonkey
621 followers · 5720 posts · Server

Oof. The report on , and is absolutely damning. Predictably, the response from the is that it's "politically correct bores" who are ruining the game for 'everyone', ignoring the experiences of all those who contributed to the report. I have literally just discovered and am absolutely loving . For me there's a sense I've come to the sport at a moment of tremendous positive change. I hope it continues to strive to be more inclusive.

#icec #racism #sexism #classism #telegraph #cricket #theashes

Last updated 1 year ago

musiconn · @musiconn
75 followers · 32 posts · Server

Neuer Beitrag auf musiconn.kontrovers:
@MoritzKelber und Pascal Rudolph über in der

#klassismus #musikwissenschaft #classism #academia

Last updated 1 year ago

Richard · @self
175 followers · 420 posts · Server

If your idea of advocating for the marginalized is only when they are insanely wealthy, well, you might be the problem.

#poverty #classism

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1143 followers · 75956 posts · Server

"The two vessels were lost at sea four days and 4,000 miles apart. The five men who lost their lives on the have been getting wall-to-wall coverage in the worldwide. Meanwhile, the estimated 700 who died when the sank off the coast of Greece, mostly women and children, have been essentially forgotten."

#titan #media #adriana #titanicsub #refugees #asylumseekers #migrants #migrantsatsea #searchandrescue #xenophobia #racism #classism

Last updated 1 year ago

"The two vessels were lost at sea four days and 4,000 miles apart. The five men who lost their lives on the have been getting wall-to-wall coverage in the worldwide. Meanwhile, the estimated 700 who died when the sank off the coast of Greece, mostly women and children, have been essentially forgotten.."

#titan #media #adriana #refugees #asylumseekers #migrants #migrantsatsea #searchandrescue #xenophobia #racism #classism

Last updated 1 year ago

NakjiKiss3 · @NakjiKiss3
61 followers · 1048 posts · Server

You can bet if there weren't any billionaires on board, the search for that missing sub wouldn't be "massive".

#classism #howtheworldworks

Last updated 1 year ago

🎬 this morning, reminding countries at no climate justice with

#BonnClimateConference #classism #racism #colonialism #patriarchy

Last updated 1 year ago