Not all unions are the same!
Not all unions represent workers!
Alex Press, labor reporter for Jacobin, explains the situation.
The Teamsters and the UAW gear up for struggle
Must reads: (
"Class struggle unionism", by Joe Burns
"Overcoming capitalism: strategy for the working class in the 21st century", by Tom Wetzel
#ClassStruggleUnionism #classunionism
'Representative democracy' is an oxymoron that functions to maintain minority (oligarch) rule.
We the people, will not find life, liberty and happiness until we take control!
A plan for your consideration:
Comprehensive #MutualAid will render the government superfluous.
#AnarchoSyndicalism & #ClassUnionism will wrest control of industry from the capitalists.
#GeneralStrikes (production) combined with #ConsumerStrikes (consumption) will undermine capitalism by #DefundCapitalism.
#DirectDemocracy &
#ParticipatoryDemocracy, (derived from federated neighborhood #MutualAid groups) will actuate the people's priorities.
#SystemFail #RepresentativeDemocracyIsNeither #MutualAid #anarchosyndicalism #classunionism #generalstrikes #consumerstrikes #DefundCapitalism #directdemocracy #participatorydemocracy