The scientific mind does not so much provide the right answers as ask the right questions.
-- Claude Levi-Strauss
#quotes #claudelevistrauss #science #photography #panorama #pitcherplants #flowers #florida
L'humanité s'installe dans la mono-culture ; elle s'apprête à produire la civilisation en masse, comme la betterave. Son ordinaire ne comportera plus que ce plat.
#ClaudeLéviStrauss / Tristes Tropiques (1955)
What Makes Us #Human? #Cooking (#fish) #Surge in #brain #size 1.8 million years ago linked to cooking, study says. #Homoerectus, considered the #first# modern #human #species, #learned to #cook and #doubled its #brain #size over the course of 600,000 years. #Similar size #primates—#gorillas, #chimpanzees, and other great #apes, all of which subsisted on a diet of raw foods—did not.,the%20course%20of%20600%2C000%20years.The #Raw and the #Cooked #ClaudeLéviStrauss
#human #cooking #fish #surge #brain #size #homoerectus #first #species #learned #cook #doubled #similar #primates #gorillas #chimpanzees #apes #raw #cooked #claudelevistrauss