53 years ago:
The Man with Connections (FR)
Original title: Le pistonné
Following "The Two of Us", Claude is now 21 years old. Content with his life, he has a girlfriend Tania and he aspires to become an actor. When he receives his draft notice, a friend convinces Claude he can get out of military service with his connections in Paris. When the connections fall through,...
#TheManwithConnections #RosyVarte #GeorgesGéret #ClaudePiéplu #Movies
#themanwithconnections #rosyvarte #georgesgeret #claudepieplu #movies
43 years ago:
The King and the Mockingbird (FR)
Original title: Le Roi et l'Oiseau
The kingdom of Takicardie quakes under the rule of the tyrannical King Charles V-et-III-font-VIII-et-VIII-font-XVI, whose favourite pastime is shooting birds. His archenemy is a cheeky mockingbird, whose favourite pastime is thwarting the king’s attempts to shoot birds. One night, a portrait of the ...
#TheKingandtheMockingbird #ClaudePiéplu #Animation
#thekingandthemockingbird #claudepieplu #animation
Focus #AstérixEtObélix 1/6
Astérix et Obélix contre César (1999)
Une première adaptation "live" à la réalisation peu inspirée et qui pâti d’un scénario bordélique.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/asterix_obelix_contre_cesar/critique/220067801
#AstérixEtObélixContreCésar #ClaudeZidi #ChristianClavier #GérardDepardieu #MichelGalabru #RobertoBenigni #ClaudePiéplu #DanielPrévost #Film #Cinema
#asterixetobelix #asterixetobelixcontrecesar #claudezidi #christianclavier #gerarddepardieu #michelgalabru #robertobenigni #claudepieplu #danielprevost #film #cinema