43 years ago:
The Under-Gifted (FR)
Original title: Les sous-doués
The story centers around a graduating class of "less-gifted" students in a private Versailles high school. Only a miracle has brought the students this far along, and after a practical joke misfires and the whole school is dynamited, the students are in deep trouble. They have to present themselves ...
#TheUnderGifted #ClaudeZidi #DanielAuteuil #MichelGalabru #RichardBohringer
#theundergifted #claudezidi #danielauteuil #michelgalabru #richardbohringer
45 years ago:
The Discord (FR)
Original title: La Zizanie
Guillaume has made it: A machine that can clean dirty air by simply sucking all dirt into air balloons and then shipping them far far away so his explanation. Some Japanese business guys, after dinner with a lot of alcohol, order 5,000 pieces. His only problem: His production capacity is way to smal...
#TheDiscord #ClaudeZidi #LouisdeFunès #MoniqueIsnardon #Film
#thediscord #claudezidi #louisdefunes #moniqueisnardon #film
38 years ago:
Les rois du gag (FR)
Paul Martin and François Leroux are brothers-in-law and comics without fame. One day, the famous television comics, Gaëtan, finds himself in the little theater where Paul and François produce themselves under the name of "Gagsters".
#Lesroisdugag #ClaudeZidi #MichelSerrault #GérardJugnot #MachaMéril #ClassicFilm
#lesroisdugag #claudezidi #michelserrault #gerardjugnot #machameril #classicfilm
Focus #AstérixEtObélix 1/6
Astérix et Obélix contre César (1999)
Une première adaptation "live" à la réalisation peu inspirée et qui pâti d’un scénario bordélique.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/asterix_obelix_contre_cesar/critique/220067801
#AstérixEtObélixContreCésar #ClaudeZidi #ChristianClavier #GérardDepardieu #MichelGalabru #RobertoBenigni #ClaudePiéplu #DanielPrévost #Film #Cinema
#asterixetobelix #asterixetobelixcontrecesar #claudezidi #christianclavier #gerarddepardieu #michelgalabru #robertobenigni #claudepieplu #danielprevost #film #cinema
📀Lancement des précommandes le 16 Mars 2023 des Blu-ray de la collection "Nos années 70" chez #StudioCanal.
- "Traitement de choc" de #AlainJessua avec #AlainDelon & #AnnieGirardot.
- "Ils sont grands ces petits" de #JoelSantoni avec #ClaudeBrasseur & #CatherineDeneuve.
- "Le Grand bazar" de #ClaudeZidi, la comédie culte de #LesCharlots.
Le film de Joël Santoni est inédit en DVD.📀
#StudioCanal #alainjessua #alaindelon #anniegirardot #joelsantoni #claudebrasseur #catherinedeneuve #claudezidi #lescharlots