As #ShoreLeave43 draws near,I am reminded of that famous Sun Tsu quote that "No convention schedule survives first contact with reality.”
This year’s media guests include #GracePark, #AaronDouglas, #ClaudiaBlack, and #BenBrowder, but they’re secondary to the friends I’ve not seen in the past year.
#shoreleavecon #ShoreLeave #benbrowder #claudiablack #aarondouglas #gracepark #shoreleave43
@SimonBrett @Extra_Special_Carbon
I'm now gonna say something potentially unpopular: bring James Corden back.
I know people dislike him but I think he was great in Who and is a good actor in general. He was great in this film:
Other actors I would like to see in new Who:
#RiaZmitrowicz (just amazing)
#JaredHarris (never a bad performance)
#JasonWatkins (he was absolutely terrifying as Herrick! He'd make a great baddie.)
#ClaudiaBlack (this one is a no-brainer!)
#claudiablack #jasonwatkins #jaredharris #riazmitrowicz
Twenty years ago today, the Australian-American science fiction TV series, Farscape, aired the episode "We're So Screwed: Part 1."
#Farscape #TV #2000s
#Nostalgia #NineNetwork
#SYFY #BenBrowder
#ClaudiaBlack #AnthonySimcoe
24 February 2003 S4E19
We're So Screwed: Part 1
The crew goes after Aeryn on a Scarran controlled station.
#farscape #tv #2000s #nostalgia #ninenetwork #syfy #benbrowder #claudiablack #anthonysimcoe
Mit #ClaudiaBlack erweitert sich die #Stargate Gastriege auf der #FedCon 31. Sie ist in der Rolle von #ValaMalDoran zu sehen. Viele SF-Fans kennen sie auch als #AerynSun in #Farscape.
#con #convention #sciencefiction
#sciencefiction #convention #con #farscape #aerynsun #valamaldoran #fedcon #stargate #claudiablack