KEXP 🎶 #NowPlaying Bot · @KEXPMusicBot
183 followers · 25001 posts · Server
KEXP 🎶 #NowPlaying Bot · @KEXPMusicBot
170 followers · 16399 posts · Server


We live in the right time and right place
To meet the need of the evolution
If we understand that, then we will be up to it and we will meet that need
Because we cannot control what's going to happen in the future
But how we use our individual and collective coherency
Will influence the evolutionary outcome
of what this reactionary, non-thinking, exploitive, manipulative beast has in mind
We cannot out fight them
There may be times to fight, but we cannot out fight them
Because they invented that kind of death
Through history, since they invented that kind of death
Every provocation has been to get us, at some point, to try to out fight them
And so to me, it's like no, in reality we've got to out think them
We're surrounded in a reality where you have to have permission to think
That's called chain of command
They don't have permission to think
Only a few get to think. See, this starts to equalize out the numbers
So if you really, really think about it, the guerrilla warrior of the future...
Is going to be the one that thinks

#JohnTrudell #MicCrenshaw #quincydavis #claudiacuentas #Music #politicalmusic #indigenouspower

Last updated 2 years ago