@bookstodon My #review of #TheLateMrsWilloughby by #ClaudiaGray is now live! It's a great continuation of the series, and leaves the reader hoping that something more will happen between Jonathan and Juliet in the next book.
#historical #mystery #janeausten #regency #pastiche
Full review here: https://kamreadsandrecs.tumblr.com/post/725692859844526080/title-the-late-mrs-willoughby-mr-darcy-miss
#review #thelatemrswilloughby #claudiagray #historical #mystery #janeausten #regency #pastiche
@bookstodon My #review of #TheMurderofMrWickham by #ClaudiaGray is now live! This was a reco from my good friend Hope, and it is a DELIGHT!
#historical #mystery #janeausten #regency #pastiche
Full review here: https://kamreadsandrecs.tumblr.com/post/725039618732490752/title-the-murder-of-mr-wickham-mr-darcy-miss
#review #themurderofmrwickham #claudiagray #historical #mystery #janeausten #regency #pastiche
Gizmodo: Latest Star Wars Character to Inexplicably Cheat Death: One Wookiee Jedi https://gizmodo.com/star-wars-high-republic-burryaga-agaburry-phase-iii-1850608475 #starwarsthehighrepublic #entertainmentculture #krystinaarielle #humaninterest #claudiagray #darthvader #davefiloni #lightsaber #ahsokatano #lucasfilm #palpatine #starwars #wookiee #padawan #burry #jedi
#starwarsthehighrepublic #entertainmentculture #krystinaarielle #humaninterest #claudiagray #darthvader #davefiloni #lightsaber #ahsokatano #lucasfilm #palpatine #starwars #wookiee #padawan #burry #jedi