Tuhle písničku miluju. Nejvíc v téhle úpravě od The Band Perry:
Poctivě se jí učím na své pětistrunné #banjo, hraju ji pomocí #clawhammer stylu. Blbě, ale zase ne tak moc. Ta písnička má pro mne neuvěřitelnej drajv, škoda, že ji nedokážu nafrázovat v originále. Zpívám tedy verzi od Michala Tučného, Toulavej song. Ten překlad je v pohodě.
Začal jsem se s panem Vávrou učit novou věc na #clawhammer #banjo a mandolínu (on). Je to píseň John & Mary (Russell Moore & IIIrd Tyme Out). Řadím ji mezi písně, které jsou tak lehké, až jsou těžké. K tomu nesmím zapomenout na naprosto debilní text. Ale co. Pokouším se o překlad, který chci uchopit trochu jinak. Pořád ale nejsem spokojený.
Anyone up for some avant-garde clawhammer banjo?
#banjo #clawhammer #clawhammerbanjo #songwriting #composition #improvisation #music #deering #homerecording
#banjo #clawhammer #clawhammerbanjo #songwriting #composition #improvisation #music #Deering #homerecording
My latest journey with banjo is called "Ravelment."
#banjo #clawhammer #clawhammerbanjo #songwriting #composition #improvisation #music #deering #homerecording
#banjo #clawhammer #clawhammerbanjo #songwriting #composition #improvisation #music #Deering #homerecording
"Summersome" is a new piece for banjo that I've been working on writing and learning to play this July. As part of the practice & learning, I made this video last night.
#banjo #clawhammer #clawhammerbanjo #songwriting #composition #music
#banjo #clawhammer #clawhammerbanjo #songwriting #composition #music
https://youtu.be/aRd9l2SgISI are there banjo peeps on here? #banjo #clawhammer
I'm looking for a title for this rhythmic banjo improvisation that I did yesterday. Any ideas?
#clawhammer #clawhammerbanjo #improvisation #acoustic #deering
#banjo #clawhammer #clawhammerbanjo #improvisation #acoustic #Deering
Abigail Washburn - Nobody’s Fault But Mine
#AlternativeBluegrass #AltBluegrass #Bluegrass #Music #Banjo #Clawhammer
#alternativebluegrass #altbluegrass #bluegrass #music #banjo #clawhammer
I have a new original song out called, “Spelunking in the Attic.” If you’ve ever explored the attic of an old house hoping/expecting to find some wonderful treasure or antique, this song might strike a chord.
#originalsong #banjo #clawhammer #clawhammerbanjo #frailing #folksong
#folksong #frailing #clawhammerbanjo #clawhammer #banjo #originalsong
For the Banjo Folk Song of the Week workshop #105 I show you how to play another Irish song for St Patrick’s Day — a real good one, but one that may be a little more obscure. It’s called “Johnny Jump Up,” and it was made popular by the Irish singer Christy Moore. I think you’ll enjoy this one!
#Clawhammer #frailing #folkmusic #IrishMusic #StPatricksDay #banjoworkshop #banjo #banjolearning
#banjolearning #banjo #banjoworkshop #StPatricksDay #irishmusic #folkmusic #frailing #clawhammer
With St Patrick’s Day somewhat in view in the distance I decided to do my Banjo Folk Song of the Week (#103) on the Steve Earl song Galway Girl. I used this song a few years ago, but I thought folks might appreciate a new updated workshop for 2023!
#Clawhammer #frailing #IrishMusic #StPatricksDay #banjo #banjoworkshop #folkmusic #folksong
#folksong #folkmusic #banjoworkshop #banjo #StPatricksDay #irishmusic #frailing #clawhammer
Given the dearth of responses to my toots a few weeks ago, I can only assume that I've been banned for some Mastodon misdemeanour - perhaps it was because I ill-advisedly posted about my Irish classes.
Anyway, I'll give it one last go, so do let me know if you see this!
It's a little video of my favourite flowers at this time of year - #snowdrops! I'm playing the tune King of Kings on #clawhammer #banjo.
#flowers #spring #Magheralin #church #graveyard #music
#snowdrops #clawhammer #banjo #flowers #spring #magheralin #church #graveyard #music
Given the dearth of responses to my toots a few weeks ago, I can only assume that I've been banned for some Mastodon misdemeanour - perhaps it was because I ill-advisedly posted about my Irish classes.
Anyway, I'll give it one last go, so do let me know if you see this!
It's a little video of my favourite flowers at this time of year - #snowdrops! I'm playing the tune King of Kings on #clawhammer #banjo.
#flowers #spring #Magheralin #church #graveyard #music
#snowdrops #clawhammer #banjo #flowers #spring #magheralin #church #graveyard #music
The relationship between this #clawhammer style and straight up #funk bass is super fascinating to me. #MollyTuttle is my favorite guitar player right now. #listeningclub #guitar #bluegrass
#bluegrass #guitar #listeningclub #mollytuttle #funk #clawhammer
Seriously great album from Victor Furtado. I'm behind the curve here. #banjo #clawhammer #bluegrass #oldtime #fiddle
#fiddle #oldtime #bluegrass #clawhammer #banjo
My latest Banjo Folk Song of the Week is #100 in the series of workshops. In this latest video I show how to play “Call Me The Breeze,” the JJ Cale song, which later became a Lynyrd Skynyrd hit. #clawhammer #banjo #frailing #folksong #banjoworkshop #BanjoLearners #clawhammerbanjo
#clawhammerbanjo #banjolearners #banjoworkshop #folksong #frailing #banjo #clawhammer
Just a #clawhammerbanjo cover of a little song by the brothers Gibb. #beegees #clawhammer #banjo #ToLoveSomebody https://youtu.be/tGcxiQI6S5w
#tolovesomebody #banjo #clawhammer #beegees #clawhammerbanjo
Learn to play, "Use Somebody," on banjo. In the latest episode of my series the Banjo Folk Song of the Week I play and then breakdown the Kings of Leon song.
#KingsOfLeon #banjoworkshop #banjo #frailing #clawhammer
As prophesied I put on more Claw Hammer. #NowPlaying their first album from 1990. Looking back at this, that album cover and the band pics on the back are REALLY REALLY 89-90. This album is like , I might even say is their best but ? Arguments could be made for a lot of their stuff. "Shell Shocked" is insta-classic, so is Chris Bag's "Drop II", so is "Papa's Got Us All Tied In Knots" so is "Petri Dish". This record though they don't have Bob Lee on drums and THAT MAN IS A GOD #vinyl #clawhammer
#nowplaying #vinyl #clawhammer