Sollte der weltbeste Mailclient #MUA #ClawsMail jemals eingestellt werden, werde ich den forken und »Kloßmehl« nennen.
@libreoffice nope, I'm using LO and #ClawsMail and I'm a super happy and grateful user!
I still need to see what @thunderbird is working on for their next big release in order to consider integrating it into my workflow.
What I can say though is that I'm not a fan of adding extra features like "task", "chat", addons, extensions and what not to my email client ... I just need it to do one thing and do it well.
Will wait and see ..
I finally fully set up an #EMailClient on my computer. (I say fully since I had this set up for some time now but only for a subset of my accounts.) For better or worse, it's #Thunderbird; I preferred #Sylpheed or #ClawsMail but I couldn't get #OAuth2 to work while using them. Which is a danged shame, frankly.
Heck, I would have preferred #Pine or #Alpine, even, given how lightweight and super fast their text-based interfaces work, but given the trouble I've had I've concluded I basically need to do with OAuth2 the authentication analogue of having to hand-pollinate plants because of a lack of insect pollinators.
#emailclient #thunderbird #sylpheed #clawsmail #oauth2 #pine #alpine
Neu auf Wat mutt, dat mutt #mutt #thundermail #clawsmail #k9mail
#mutt #thundermail #clawsmail #k9mail
Today is an important date.
14th February.
You know what that means?
On the laptop:
I 🧡 #AwesomeWM for bringing programs on my screen.
I 🧡 #ZimDesktopWiki for keeping me organised.
I 🧡 #Firefox for exploring the wonderful world that is the web.
I 🧡 #ClawsMail for handling my thousands of emails.
I 🧡 #KeePassXC for managing all my passwords.
I 🧡 #Nostalgia for keeping track of what I do on the web (so I can search instead of remember).
#nostalgia #keepassxc #clawsmail #firefox #zimdesktopwiki #awesomewm #ilovefs
@joel @bbbhltz I used #ClawsMail a long time ago and really loved it. I tried it last year and it seemed to have some issues with Gmail. Does your setup include any Gmail addresses?
Today I tried #ClawsMail and took sometime to organize my #Email inbox. I also reread some old conversations, which was quite fun too. This is day 9 of #100DaysToOffload cc:@bbbhltz
#clawsmail #email #100DaysToOffload
I wrote a little bit about Claws Mail today
"An email client that keeps things light and straightforward"
#email #plaintext #clawsmail #pim #blog
@terraminima An E-Mail Programm empfehle ich #K9Mail oder #FairMail für das Android Telefon. Es ist beides im #FDroid Store zu finden.
Auf einem Windows oder Linux Desktop Rechner #ThunderBird, #BetterBird oder #ClawsMail.
Für Linux schlage ich noch #Evolution vor, #KMail gibt es auch noch für Linux und
Wenn du einen E-Mail Provider suchst schlage ich #MailBox vor. Kostet nur Monatlich etwas, dafür sind deine Mails dort sicherer.
#k9mail #fairmail #fdroid #thunderbird #Betterbird #clawsmail #evolution #kmail #mailbox
Good news!
#Clawsmail on #Debian works fine, which doesn't surprise me since Debian provides only software that works! On the contrary its major derivative generally trows 90% of the packages in the Universe repository and good luck if any of those work... :flan_facepalm:
Thanks #Debian :flan_heart:
Boogle GMeil and its stupid labels work as a shit on #clawsmail! :flan_heckk:
Despite #Ubuntu the #odroidxu4 worked surprisingly well... Yes of course Ubuntu has been annihilated and resembles more #Debian. The secret ingredient is the venerable #WindowMaker or #WMaker, it has some limitations though for instance I replaced #Thunderbird with #ClawsMail. :flan_strong:
Unfortunately the initial idea to use #NetBSD as daily driver shipwrecked in the oblivium. The partial support wasn't enough to squeeze out all the horsepower available... :flan_sad:
#ubuntu #odroidxu4 #debian #windowmaker #wmaker #thunderbird #clawsmail #netbsd
Finally started the transition from #ClawsMail to maildir and #mu4e I already really like that there are no folders and everything is search based. Organizing things in Claws through processing rules was a goddamn chore, whereas this basically needs no organization. To find mail from Guix mailing lists I just search for "guix". It's so beautiful.
Haven't tried composing yet but honestly I read way more email than I write so even if it just can't send email, it's already better. UwU
Anyone knows any #email client for #Linux that is:
- not a TUI app (because ncurses is trash)
- does not embed a web browser (I don't care about HTML mail so a browser is just pointless attack surface)
- is not written in C (see attack surface again)
- works on touch screens (PinePhone, but I have a keyboard case)
I've been using #ClawsMail for a while but it crashes so much it's getting extremely annoying and worrisome.
Currently I'm considering #Emacs as a replacement.
#emacs #clawsmail #linux #email
Though if I have to use a graphical email client, today I 100% go for #ClawsMail.
Lightest and most fully-functional desktop client out there (thanks plugin library with PGP support!)
Thankfully, it's the client that comes by default in #PuppyLinux!
Ich dachte ja, #Thunderbird könne mein Mailclient abwechselnd unter #Linux #Mint xfce und unter #Windows sein. Aber ich bekomme unter Linux Mint die Meldung, das Postfach habe ein zu neues Format. Ich schaue mal, ob ich das Postfach-Format unter Windows downgraden kann.
#ClawsMail gefällt mir auch, aber beim Wechsel nach Linux Kopien zu importieren ist etwas mühsam, und unter Windows verlangt es #Mono, das ist erfahrungsgemäß viel Gebastel, solche voraussetzungsvollen Lösungen am Laufen zu halten.
#Microsoft hält in der Praxis nicht viel von Konkurrenzprodukten, trotz aller Bekenntnisse zur #OpenSource-Unterstützung. (#DenFeindUmarmen nennen wir die Taktik im politischen Kampf.)
Mit welcher Lösung sind meine Postfächer #portabel? Unter Windows darf gern auch das Clientprogramm selbst portabel sein.
#portabel #DenFeindUmarmen #opensource #microsoft #mono #clawsmail #windows #mint #linux #thunderbird