Clay Chaser · @ClayChaser
10 followers · 76 posts · Server

Another happy day popping clays in glorious sunshine. To make it better I had to almost physically remove a Hare from line of fire. We see a lot of wildlife at our ground, which is strange given that wildlife and shotguns usually have a bad relationship. We don't shoot live stuff, and what we do shoot is mostly in the air so real birds, hares, fox, bunnys whatever are safe. This Hare I think was marking out territory so we may see more of him. Rare treat.

#claytargetshooting #claypigeons #hares

Last updated 1 year ago

Clay Chaser · @ClayChaser
8 followers · 70 posts · Server

A solution to the climate crisis: mining the moon, researchers say

This sounds like a case of overkill. After a rapid round of testing me and my mates are confident that we can produce enough dust from clays to achieve the same effect. All we need is the NASA/spaceX/or whoever budget for shells and clays and a Railgun to launch the clays.
Public good and private fun all in one.

#claytargetshooting #claypigeons #localsolutions #icandothat #moondust

Last updated 2 years ago

Clay Chaser · @ClayChaser
8 followers · 67 posts · Server

Most of lads and I have decided that from now on all bastard/facist clays will be called . We are confident that this will improve our hit rates. Tony is going to stick with his MaggyT's cos he's Welsh and bitter, and Dave refuses to change his Scargills cos he's a wanker.
We are looking forward to the next competition.

#LeeAnderson #30pLee #ToryMP #claytargetshooting #claypigeon #leeandersons

Last updated 2 years ago

Clay Chaser · @ClayChaser
8 followers · 66 posts · Server

A happy day spent making small flying clay ashtrays explode. Reasonably successfully as well, about a 75% hit rate. I've tried golf, fishing and loads of other age approprate (70+) hobbies but none give the same childish pleasure as making things go bang. I am keenly aware that by far the majority of people disapprove of my pastime - the idea of someone owning a gun for fun is somehow dirty and shouldn't be allowed. I feel much the same about pets.

#claytargetshooting #claypigeons

Last updated 2 years ago

Clay Chaser · @ClayChaser
8 followers · 65 posts · Server

Looking forward to a day shooting clays tomorrow (Wed). Just hope the weather stays fine.

#claytargetshooting #claypigeons

Last updated 2 years ago

Clay Chaser · @ClayChaser
8 followers · 60 posts · Server

I have to wear ear defenders to shoot, otherwise I would be totally permanently deaf after about 25 rounds. 130db+ does that. Today whilst changing the batteries in mine I wondered for the first time in a year since I brought them what the little socket on one of them did. It turns out I can plug my mp3 player into them and listen to music while I shoot.
Who knew?
Now all I need is a suitable soundtrack.

#technology #itdoeswhat #discovery #claytargetshooting

Last updated 2 years ago

Clay Chaser · @ClayChaser
5 followers · 37 posts · Server

A most wonderful day. Up in Yorkshire Dales in bright sunshine, bit of snow on ground and not quite freezing temperatures. Practice day on the clay traps, where my hit rate was around 30%. Sounds bad - but actually it's not. I'm trying Skeet, it's very fast an requires perfect technique, neither of which are my current strong points but I am hitting some of them. Also I know why I miss. YouTube time again I think.

#claytargetshooting #claytargets #claypigeons

Last updated 2 years ago

Clay Chaser · @ClayChaser
5 followers · 37 posts · Server

Happy day today cos I got 80% (40/50) of the clays. This may not seem like much but its good for me since I could hardly feel my fingers. The ground faces south so this time of year the sun is always in your eyes, and its very exposed, but that's part of the fun.
I'm getting a lot of cat jokes as well which is causing me to review who I buy tea for afterwards.

#claytargetshooting #claytargets #claypigeons

Last updated 2 years ago

Clay Chaser · @ClayChaser
5 followers · 32 posts · Server

Whilst trying (unsuccessfully) to hit a very high target from a 26m tower today I accidently hit the trap itself. I think I broke it. I tiptoed away hoping nobody saw me do it.
This will be added to my already considerable list of mortal sins.

#claytargetshooting #oops

Last updated 2 years ago