"Si tu ne vas vers le #numérique, alors avec le #numerique vient vers toi, sur ton territoire !" telle pourrait être la devise des Enm Normandie > http://espace-numerique-mobile.fr/
#reseauapp #enm #inclusionnumerique #illectronisme #clea
Forjecnor 2000 Fodeno Le Havre Clips Formation & Mediaformation App + tous leurs partenaires locaux, départementaux et régionaux.
#numerique #reseauapp #enm #inclusionnumerique #illectronisme #clea
Daily Sketch Challenge 25/05/23: Clea.
I don't know if the face is right. I quite like the pose, but perhaps she looks a bit old. Not so much Clea as Clea Arthur, maybe.
#dailysketchchallenge #clea #doctorstrange #doctor_strange
#dailysketchchallenge #clea #doctorstrange #doctor_strange
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #RylanOnSaturday
🎵 Download It
#nowplaying #RylanOnSaturday #clea
Thankfully the Death of Doctor Strange "event" series has run its course, and of course the Doctor is back. Looking forward to the new series, which will focus on Strange AND Clea!
#clea #comics #comicbooks #doctorstrange
Strange #10 preview. Clea and Stephen Strange team up to take down the Blasphemy Cartel and their dreaded super-powered weapon! #comics #comicbooks #doctorstrange #clea https://graphicpolicy.com/2023/01/16/preview-strange-10/
#comics #comicbooks #doctorstrange #clea
@westsideblogger Das klingt nach Survival-Horror.
Kennst du das Spiel #Clea?
Doctor Strange, Fantastic Four, and the Road to 'Secret Wars'
#DoctorStrange #Illuminati #Clea #FantasticFour #TheMulviverseSaga #AvengersSecretWars #Marvel #MCU
#doctorstrange #illuminati #clea #fantasticfour #themulviversesaga #avengerssecretwars #marvel #mcu
Lee Garbett cover appreciation (Strange 9). #marvel #MarvelComics #DoctorStrange #Clea #comics
#marvel #marvelcomics #doctorstrange #clea #comics
Lee Garbett cover appreciation (Strange 9). #marvel #MarvelComics #DoctorStrange #Clea #comics
#marvel #marvelcomics #doctorstrange #clea #comics
#Astronomie #Éducation #Livre
Bulletins du Comité de liaison enseignants et astronomes (#CLEA)
- HS14 : Le soleil https://ventes.clea-astro.eu/hors-serie/133-hs14-lesoleil.html
- HS13 : Croyances et idées fausses en astronomie https://ventes.clea-astro.eu/hors-serie/154-hs13-croyances-et-idees-fausses-en-astronomie.html
- HS12 : Astronomie à l'École https://ventes.clea-astro.eu/hors-serie/104-hs12-astronomie-a-l-ecole.html
- HS11 : Les constellations https://ventes.clea-astro.eu/hors-serie/82-hs11-les-constellations.html
- HS10 : #Mathématiques et Astronomie https://ventes.clea-astro.eu/hors-serie/6-hs10-astronomie-et-mathematiques.html #Math
#math #mathématiques #clea #livre #éducation #astronomie