Happy International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies. From now on farmers will always use cover crops and no manure, and fossil fuels have been cancelled. You're welcome. #CleanAirDay #AirPollution
RT from Horniman Museum and Gardens (@HornimanMuseum)
Matters of Life and Breath marks the progress through Parliament of the historic Clean Air Bill, also called Ella’s Law.
The display features a cornet that belonged to Ella Roberta Adoo Kissi Debrah, who the law is named for.
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/HornimanMuseum/status/1669270017060519937
Happy Clean Air Day everyone! https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/campaigns/canadian-environment-week/clean-air-day.html #Ottawa #smoke #CleanAirDay
🌳 Is your next car journey on a train? Did you know passenger journeys on trains contribute less than 1% of the UK’s annual greenhouse gas emissions.
☁️On #CleanAirDay, learn more about how rail is helping in delivering a low-carbon future for Britain. https://www.raildeliverygroup.com/our-views/our
RT @_wearepossible@twitter.com
Cars are just parked up 95% of the time.
This #CleanAirDay we want to give this wasted space back to people and nature. However, it’s not easy to get space back from cars.
A short 🧵 on the economy of parked cars.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/_wearepossible/status/1537333156377935872
RT @LongCovidKids
Let’s celebrate schools with air filtration.
How many schools have any kind of air filtration to reduce risk of transmission?
Which schools have invested?
What have they chosen?
#LongCovidKids #IAQ #education #CleanAirDay @cv_cev @Elodie_A_N @LCKScotland @CoSchoolsTools https://twitter.com/safeedforall_uk/status/1537455688800161794
#LongCovidKids #iaq #education #cleanairday