The amazing City of Paramount Mayor Velma Stallings, City of Paramount's Steven Coumparoules and resident volunteers during today's Free Dump Day event. Paramount residents, bulky household items are being accepted up until 2 pm today at Paramount Park #CleanCA!
Paramount residents come on down to Paramount Park with your bulky items for fee disposal #CleanCA before 2pm.
City of Paramount and Catrans Free Community Dump Day event happening today (8am -2pm) at Paramount Park! Bring your bulky items, medication, and more #CleanCA!
Paramount High School students pitch in during Free Community Dump Day event #CleanCA at Paramount Park (8am until 2pm) Residents Only!
Bags of insulation being dropped off at Paramount Free community Dump Day #CleanCA! Paramount residents bring your bulky items for free disposal - Paramount Park @ 14400 Paramount Blvd! Residents Only!
We're making great progress on our #CleanCA project in #Oroville! Slope paving under SR-70 at Oro Dam has a river rock veneer, a shoutout to the Feather River just a "stone's throw" away! The project is scheduled to be completed in late July/early August. @CAgovernor @CaltransHQ
Load your vehicles! Our FREE #CleanCA #DumpDay is happening tomorrow in the City of Needles. Please check the flyer for details. See you there! #CleanWaterCA #Needles #Vidal
#cleanca #dumpday #cleanwaterca #needles #vidal
BEFORE AND AFTER - #District8 crews have been working hard removing litter off of our highways, but you could help too. Please cover your loads and dispose of your trash properly! #CleanCA #CleanWaterCA
#district8 #cleanca #cleanwaterca
BEFORE AND AFTER - #District8 crews have been making working hard removing litter off of our highways, but you could help too. Please cover your loads and dispose of your trash properly! #CleanCA #CleanWaterCA
#district8 #cleanca #cleanwaterca
BEFORE AND AFTER - Today Caltrans crews and @ChrysalisSoCal removed litter, worked on landscape maintenance, and used a truck-mounted sprayer to cover graffiti on State Route 23 in #ThousandOaks #CleanCA @CaltransHQ @GoVCTC @ASM_Irwin
Caltrans crew cutting brush on State Route 23 in Thousand Oaks this morning. #CleanCA @CaltransHQ #ThousandOaks @GoVCTC
Thanks to Wolf Creek Community Alliance and Tall Boots Pumping Service, SR-20 west of Grass Valley is looking GREAT! Interested in adopting a highway or interchange and earning up to $250 per month? Visit #CleanCA #adoptahighway @CAgovernor @CaltransHQ
Join us at Celebrate Oak Park 2023!Learn about our #CleanCA projects going on in Sacramento, see artist renderings for new public art, and pick up a free kids activity book! @CAgovernor @CaltransHQ…
#District8 is hosting another FREE #DumpDay June 17th at our Needles Maintenance Station. Please take advantage of this opportunity to help #CleanCA. Check the flyer for more details. #Needles #Vidal #CleanWaterCA
#district8 #dumpday #cleanca #needles #vidal #cleanwaterca
#Camping this weekend or headed to a #landfill? The bags say it all: DON'T TRASH CALIFORNIA! @CHP_HQ reports the largest source of #litter comes from UNCOVERED loads. Please #COVERYOURLOAD and deposit trash properly! #CleanCA #CleanWaterCA @CAgovernor @CaltransHQ
#camping #landfill #litter #coveryourload #cleanca #cleanwaterca
Exciting work happening on the Del Rio Trail in Sac, partially funded by #CleanCA! @CityofSacPW is widening the I-5 rail overcrossing near Land Park. When done, the nearly 5 mile trail will connect several neighborhoods to shopping, services and schools! @CAgovernor @CaltransHQ
Thanks @CaltransHQ for this video showing highlights from our #CleanCA mural ribbon cutting at Ethel Phillips Elementary School in Sacramento! And thanks again to @AsmKevinMcCarty @CaityMapleD5 for attending! via @YouTube @CAgovernor @officialSCUSD
Congrats to Ethel Phillips Elementary School in Sacramento! The owners of a NEW dragon mural to kick off a transformative new #CleanCA Local Grant project! More improvements to come! @CAgovernor @CaltransHQ @CityofSacPW @officialSCUSD @AsmKevinMcCarty @CaityMapleD5 @FranklinDist
*FREE RECYCLING* Workers unloading electronics at the @CityofMoorpark Public Works yard. Bring you electronics & paper to 627 Fitch Ave. until 2 p.m. today for FREE recycling as @CaltransDist7 partners with the city of Moorpark! #CleanCA