@gratefuldread Boebert, taxpayer-$$-wasting MAGA -"GOP" poster kid: No political productivity & usefulness for the American people, but blasting widely accepted information.
Fits the Fox "Noose" circus best.

#cleancongress #expelboebert #expelmtg #expelmaga #nationaldisgrace #badclownshow

Last updated 2 years ago

Maybe less people fell for George Santos, if they just treated him as a lying (bad) entertainer & not as a "politician", which he's unfit to work as.

⭐Santos fooled potential donors, claiming he was a Broadway Musical Producer.⭐

You. Can't. Make. Such. Sh*t. Up!


#ruleoflaw #cleancongress #georgesantos #trump #Impostors #serialliars #betrayingamerica #defraudingamerica #careerfraudsters

Last updated 2 years ago

Arena Cops · @ArenaCops
93 followers · 1129 posts · Server infosec.exchange

@hudsonplaskoff George Santos must either have been a student of "Trump university's" Lyologist Faculty, or like Trump he's suffering from Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Both options make him as unfit for public office as his Mar-A-Loco role model.

#georgesantos #obsessiveliars #pathologicalliars #careerfraudsters #cleancongress #banthegop #unelectablegop #antisocialpersonalitydisorder

Last updated 2 years ago