I did the thing! 😊💙
#FiskerFam #Fisker #FiskerOcean #FiskerOceanExtreme #Sustainability #EVs #CleanFutureForAll #ClimateAccoubtability #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #ClimateTech
#climatetech #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #climateaccoubtability #cleanfutureforall #evs #sustainability #fiskeroceanextreme #fiskerocean #fisker #fiskerfam
Now, just waiting for my Fisker Ocean Extreme. They’ll start delivering in February, as soon as they get the green light from the gov. The Ocean Ones are the first to go, the Extremes will follow probably anywhere between March and July. The Ultra and the Sports are sold out for the next two years. I’m so excited, words cannot express.
#Fisker #FiskerFam #FiskerOcean #CleanFutureForAll #Sustainability
#sustainability #cleanfutureforall #fiskerocean #fiskerfam #fisker
@kane_buddha @neurobongo SOP was today. I already got an email that they should be getting gov approval by February and start delivering #FiskerOcean Ones along with the Extreme then. The Ultra and Sport will begin production in July ‘23 slated for delivery in 2024.
#CleanFutureForAll #Fisker #FiskerFam #FiskerOcean #Sustainability #EV #ElectricCar #SustainableDesign
#sustainabledesign #electriccar #ev #sustainability #fiskerfam #fisker #cleanfutureforall #fiskerocean
I’m surprised to see there’s not one server for #Fisker owners. Maybe I should open one. 🤔 #FiskerOcean #FiskerFam #FiskerOceanOne #Sustainability #CleanFutureForAll #EVs
#evs #cleanfutureforall #sustainability #fiskeroceanone #fiskerfam #fiskerocean #fisker