Wie grün ist eure #Software? 💻🌿
In unserer Talkreihe #cleanIT openXchange zeigen Stephanie Kamp und Johannes Kenkel (SYNGENIO AG), wie sich Anwendungen mit Green Software Design #klimaneutral gestalten lassen.
📅22. Mai, 18 Uhr
📍Online via Zoom
🔗Den Link gibt's im clean-IT Forum auf #openHPI: https://open.hpi.de/courses/cleanit2021/announcements
💡Mehr Infos unter: https://www.greensoftwaredesign.com/
#software #cleanit #klimaneutral #openhpi #sdgs #greenit
Sustainable Software - A case for transparency in software energy consumption💻 🌿
In our upcoming #cleanIT openXchange Talk, Arne Tarara, Founder of Green Coding Berlin, will present open-source projects to make energy consumption in CI/CD pipelines visible and the Green Metrics Tool which helps developers compare arbitrary software regarding its energy cost.
📅 April 24, 6 p.m.
📍 Online via Zoom
👉 Find the credentials in the clean-IT forum on openHPI: https://open.hpi.de/courses/cleanit2021/announcements
"Planet Positive 2030: Imagining the digital future we can build together"🌿💻
In our upcoming #cleanIT openXchange Talk, John C. Havens, Sustainability Practice Lead of the IEEE SA, will present the "Planet Positive 2030" program.
"Planet Positive 2030" is an initiative that brings together a global, open community of experts to chart a path for all people to achieve a flourishing future for 2030 and beyond.
📅March 27, 6 p.m.
🔗https://zoom.us/j/95042646125?pwd=bkNFcDZhZVkzejRqU1R1ZnhZNnluZz09#success (ID: 950 4264 6125 Passcode: 172895)
RT @MathiasRenner
As we rush with #digital #technology, we have to be careful about the harm that comes along
We care about how our clothes are made, but don't ask if IT harms children.
Inspiring words by @meilinfung, #CleanIT conference @HPI_DE: https://tele-task.de/lecture/video/9107/
#greenit #digitalethics #cleanit #technology #digital