#PlasticPollution #CleanOurOceans
Bored Panda presented: "Lucas Levitan is a Brazilian multimedia artist based in Madrid. He is best known for his project called "Photo Invasion", where he adds drawings to people's Instagram photos, revealing hidden stories in a creative way."
Give it some thought. Lucas Levitan:
#plasticpollution #cleanouroceans
#ReadMyBlog #PlasticWaste #EnvironmentalActivism #NetZero #SaveOurOceans #MicroPlastics #CleanOurOceans
Floating 8th Continent
Some articles are so well written that they need little comment.
I find https://www.thebrighterside.news is a trove of good optimistic news.
Give them a lick.
Other environmental and ecological stories on my blog: SR+ An IngeniousVortex - Creative thinking, memory lane and finding ways for each to impact those loved, our lives and environment.
#readmyblog #plasticwaste #environmentalactivism #netzero #saveouroceans #microplastics #cleanouroceans
#ReadMyBlog #PlasticWaste #EnvironmentalActivism #NetZero#SaveOurOceans #MicroPlastics #CleanOurOceans
Floating 8th Continent
Some articles are so well written that they need very little comment.
I find https://www.thebrighterside.news is a trove of good optimistic news. Give them a lick.
Other environmental and ecological stories on my blog: SR+ An IngeniousVortex Creative thinking, memory lane and finding ways for each to impact those loved, our lives and environment
#readmyblog #plasticwaste #environmentalactivism #netzero #microplastics #cleanouroceans
#SaveOurOceans #Plastics #CleanOurOceans
"…The 8th Continent' incorporates a vast array of facilities, ranging from greenhouses to living quarters and biodegradable waste collectors. It's a new-age ark, designed to survive and thrive amidst the plastic tide of the world's most massive bodies of water.
The architect's vision does not merely involve cleaning up the mess, but also to provide a restorative and regenerative solution to the damaged marine ecosystem."
#saveouroceans #plastics #cleanouroceans
#SaveOurOceans #Plastics #MicroPlastics #CleanOurOceans #Environment
"One Word. Are you listening?
Yes sir.
1967 or 2023.
Are you listening?
#saveouroceans #plastics #microplastics #cleanouroceans #environment