(Takes the ring and CARL's hand.)
Listen I'm saying this once.
(He puts the ring on CARL's finger.)
I love you now.
I'm with you now.
I'll do my best, moment to moment, not to betray you.
That's it. No more. Don't make me lie to you.
Hör zu. Ich sage das ein Mal.
Jetzt liebe ich dich.
Jetzt bin ich mit dir zusammen.
Ich gebe mir Mühe, in jedem einzelnen Augenblick, dich nicht zu verraten.
Das ist alles. Ende. Sonst würde ich Dich belügen.
#Sarah Kane
2. Szene (Rod & Carl)
#sdtps And a leper comes to the me, falling on his knees, and saying to the me,
“If you are willing, you can cleanse me.”
And filled with #compassion, the I reached out my #hand and touched his forehead, and says to him,
“The I am willing. Be cleansed.”
And immediately the leprosy went away from him and he was #cleansed. And the I admonished him, saying,
“See that you do not tell a thing to anyone. #TIBTM
#sdtps #compassion #hand #cleansed #tibtm
Just reset and #cleansed my #Witchcraft #Altar and feel really good now. Got all the vibes from family visited out of my #witchy room!
#cleansed #witchcraft #altar #witchy