Ein Montag zum Aufräumen. Los Maschine, räum auf! Das wird gut!
#UsRobotics #PalmPilot #BatterySwap
As you know, I am doing a cleanup. Even so it isn't #CleanUpMonday today.
Found the PalmPilot just in time for a (2*AAA) battery swap. The last apparently was 15th of June 2008. Which meant, a complete data loss. History repeats itself and I will never learn it seems.
#UsRobotics #palmpilot #Batteryswap #cleanupmonday
Doing some clean-up work on birdie site using @semiphemeral and locking down accounts. Going forward, those accounts will only be used for occasional lurking.
The #fediverse is now my home! And, by the way, I don't care if I ever get more followers, etc. The really cool thing here is the community and the absence of ads and sponsored content. And yes, I do think that one should (financially) support one's server when possible. In my case it's fosstodon.org #CleanUpMonday #SupportYourServer
#fediverse #cleanupmonday #supportyourserver