@brunomanserfonds@instagram.com "One With the Earth. One
With Each Other. What we do to the Earth, we do to each other"
Indigenous leaders from Borneo lead a ritual ceremony (devised by artist Gaby Solly) at the
Tate Modern and a march through London to mourn the death of their rainforests. Watch the film by Fergus Dingle to trace dirty timber from the UK back to Sarawak, Malaysia. #StopTheChop #CleanUpTheTropicalTimberTrade
#stopthechop #cleanupthetropicaltimbertrade
RT @bmfonds@twitter.com
“We are grieving the death of our Bornean rainforest”
With a mourning march through London, Indigenous leaders from Sarawak demand an end to the import of dirty timber to the UK!
#CleanUptheTropicalTimberTrade #StopTheChop
@CUTcampaignUK@twitter.com @save_rivers@twitter.com @TateGallery@twitter.com @friends_earth@twitter.com
#cleanupthetropicaltimbertrade #stopthechop