Jimijamflimflam · @Jimijamflimflam
452 followers · 4453 posts · Server mstdn.social
mrtwoflower · @mrtwoflower
4 followers · 303 posts · Server mstdn.social

#cleanwater #Water

Last updated 1 year ago

Martin Nutty · @mnutty
1246 followers · 2090 posts · Server mastodon.ie


Hmmm I'm guessing we're gonna see a lot of devlopment 'garchs ready to pave over those "worthless lands"

Rather than destroy what we have, what provides habitat for our threatened , what provides for both and us humans, why not focus on redeveloping sites, derelict buildings, and urban sites lying unimproved because of speculation?

We can do far better, far greener, far cleaner

#biodiversity #cleanwater #wildlife #brownfield #realestate #greendevelopment #environment

Last updated 1 year ago

· @mistersixt
68 followers · 1427 posts · Server kanoa.de

"Atmospheric water harvesting provides decentralized and sustainable supplies of fresh water in areas away from natural water resources. However, an important challenge is that water sources such as fog are subject to contamination from airborne pollutants, especially near population centres. Here we demonstrate a rationally designed system that can capture fog at high efficiency while simultaneously degrading organic pollutants."



Last updated 1 year ago

Eagle Globe & Flanker · @BikeyBike
83 followers · 2895 posts · Server urbanists.social
Sada Reed · @Sadareed
371 followers · 168 posts · Server newsie.social

Nominations for the Excellence in Journalism Award will open January 11 to honor journalists for outstanding articles that enhance public understanding of the role and impact of civil engineering in designing solutions for , , , and other public works projects. Entries are due by March 3.

#cleanwater #transportation #environment #Journalism #award #civilengineering #design

Last updated 1 year ago

Empiricism · @empiricism
383 followers · 1755 posts · Server sustainability.masto.host

Claim is half way to net zero is (only half) True

"It is important to note that neither of these figures include the amount of pollution produced by the North Sea oil and gas industry. These emissions are not allocated to any individual country within the "


How about we keep it sensible & base mitigating on prudent public health policies. , , & food are basic human rights.

#scotland #climate #uk #cleanair #cleanwater #greenspaces #climatechange #healthy

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Reader · @mreader
138 followers · 603 posts · Server mas.to
Catherine Max · @CatherineMax
96 followers · 311 posts · Server social.coop

ADPH President Jim McManus on the history of decontaminating our water for public health

#sewage #publichealth #cleanwater

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1303 followers · 16920 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Deceived About Safety

April 2, 2010

"On March 27th [2010] Citizens for Sludge-Free Land sent a letter to the Department of Environmental Quality and US Region 3 that information provided to Virginia landowners about using sewage sludges as is deceptive. Land application permits are being granted in several Virginia counties without informing farmers of the serious risks associated with this practice. The VA code specifies, that to be valid, these permits can only be granted with the of the landowner.

"The Federal Act defines sewage sludge as a . Most of the pollutants that sewage treatment plants remove from wastewater concentrate in the resulting sludge. Exempt from and solid waste laws, sludge is being spread on land, despite mounting scientific evidence and field reports that using this contaminated waste as a cheap fertilizer is neither safe, beneficial, nor sustainable.

"The Virginia Cooperative Extension Service as well as Nutri-Blend Inc., the company that needs permits to spread sludge, are failing to provide landowners with the necessary facts, so they can make an informed decision whether or not to treat their land with sludge. The widely distributed Extension Service biosolids fact sheets-- although deceptively dated May 9, 2009-- provide out-dated, inaccurate, incomplete, and in some cases, misleading information. They overstate the alleged benefits and totally ignore the known risks and recent documented evidence of adverse health and impacts linked to sludge use. The fact sheets and brochures give the illusion that land applying sewage sludge, a complex and variable mixture of and thousands of industrial , many of which are and persistent, is a safe and normal agricultural practice.

"The information provided to landowners deceptively downplays the health risks of exposure to odors, odorant compounds, endotoxins, bacteria-laden dusts, and toxic gases at land application sites that can cause severe and permanent damage. Nor are farmers told that typical sludges generated in industrialized urban areas contain not only pathogens, but also , , , , flame retardants [], and hormone disrupting chemicals that can damage developing organisms in parts per trillion. Many of these pollutants do not break down once they are applied to land. Worse, partial breakdown products are often more toxic than the parent material. Yet federal regulations require testing and standards for only nine toxic metals. Perhaps most important, the information provided to farmers fails to disclose that the National Academies of Science has indicated that while there are serious health concerns associated with many of the constituents of sewage sludge, there is too much uncertainty to scientifically predict the true health and environmental risks, when this complex waste mixture is applied to land.

"Finally, farmers are not told that sludge-exposure has been linked to illnesses, human deaths, livestock mortalities, groundwater pollution, and permanently degraded land. Unless there is a true and accurate disclosure of all the risks associated with this practice, there can be no true consent.

"Without informed consent, the state should not be issuing permits."

Link to archived web page (TY @internetarchive!):

#farmers #sewage #sludge #virginia #epa #fertilizer #informedconsent #cleanwater #pollutant #hazardous #agricultural #environmental #humanwaste #chemicals #toxic #lung #pcbs #dioxins #carcinogens #pharmaceuticals #pfas #pfos #chemicalindustries #toxicwaste #waterislife #foreverchemicals

Last updated 1 year ago

Cornelia Es Said · @krautart
12 followers · 54 posts · Server todon.eu

Introducing my latest oil painting from the "Digital Shamans" series: "Water Shaman Cleansing a Polluted River". This piece is a contemplative forest scene featuring an ageless shamaness, who sits by a watercourse, using her magic to purify the water.

The painting is a reflection of the human relationship with the life-giving resource of water. Access to clean drinking water has become a luxury. Companies like Nestlé, CocaCola, and Pepsico are buying up freshwater sources worldwide, only to sell the residents their own water in plastic bottles. Profits are valued higher than the preservation of our common basis of life in capitalism.

This painting is a call to action: boycott companies like Nestlé, CocaCola, and Pepsico. Our influence as consumers is now greater than our voice in elections.

In the creation of this painting, I collaborated closely with the AI model GPT-4 to conceive the concept, and then used the generative designer AI Midjourney to create the digital template for the oil painting. This process is a testament to the harmony that can be achieved between human and artificial intelligence.

#art #ai #digitalshamans #cleanwater #BoycottNestle #boycottcocacola #boycottpepsico #consumerpower #artificialintelligence #ClimateJustice

Last updated 1 year ago

Alice Dubiel · @odaraia
28 followers · 386 posts · Server mastodon.green
Rich Stein (he/him) · @RichStein
416 followers · 3872 posts · Server econtwitter.net

This looks like a great innovation — small scale (suitcase size, < 10 kg), low power, portable desalination / filtration units greekreporter.com/2023/07/21/m

h/t (because credit) @AAronL1968
original paper: "Portable Seawater Desalination System for Generating Drinkable Water in Remote Locations"

#refugees #water #cleanwater

Last updated 1 year ago

Martin Nutty · @mnutty
1056 followers · 1690 posts · Server mastodon.ie

4) A story from my backyard which illustrates the regenerative power of nature when local people care about their waterways. used to be a byword for urban blight not just in New York and America, but the whole planet

Now dolphins swim in its river which used to be little more than an industrial sewer. Local action can fix what are often thought of as intractable problems


#thebronx #environment #cleanwater #regeneration

Last updated 1 year ago

Ariadne · @ariadne
924 followers · 359 posts · Server climatejustice.social

Sometimes, oftentimes, we so-called "alarmists" are spot on - "Drought leaves millions in without tap water fit for drinking - After years of underinvestment, reservoir has had to be topped up from estuary, raising health concerns - More than half of Uruguay’s 3.5 million citizens are without access to tap fit for drinking, and experts say the situation could continue for months.

Some had predicted the crisis years ago when pointing out the vulnerability of the single reservoir supplying water to the metropolitan area around the capital, .

By Latin American standards, Uruguay is a high-income country and it has historically thought of itself as having abundant water resources. Those who warned of diminishing supplies were considered catastrophists and investment was postponed.

Three consecutive years of have almost emptied the reservoir of fresh water, and to avoid shortages the state-run water supplier, OSE, has since the beginning of the year been gradually adding brackish water from the Rio de la Plata estuary.

By early May the mix had reached the maximum levels of sodium and chlorides recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), and now it has double those levels, giving the water a repulsive taste and raising questions about potential effects on health.

Authorities maintain that the chemicals only affect the taste and smell of the water and do not necessarily pose a risk to most people’s health.

Some vulnerable groups such as babies, pregnant women and people with health conditions have been warned against drinking the water but there have been conflicting claims about its safety for the broader population."


#uruguay #water #montevideo #drought #WaterRights #southamerica #LatinAmerica #colonialism #cleanwater #drinkingwater #climate #ClimateCrisis #Klima #KlimaKrise #capitalism #CapitalismKills #kapitalismus

Last updated 1 year ago

Lyle Solla-Yates · @Lyle
363 followers · 1878 posts · Server cville.online
Pratik Patel · @ppatel
943 followers · 13112 posts · Server mstdn.social

A new purification system developed by researchers at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology uses an electrified version of to separate salt and other unnecessary particles from the potable product, enabling scientists to desalinate water at 90% less cost than current methods. They're planning to move to larger bodies of water.


#desalination #cleanwater #dialysis

Last updated 1 year ago

Lyle Solla-Yates · @Lyle
359 followers · 1846 posts · Server cville.online

@AP “We should be requiring polluters to treat their own wastes.”

#pollution #cleanwater #pfas

Last updated 1 year ago

EPP Group CoR · @EPP_CoR
2 followers · 1255 posts · Server respublicae.eu

💦 “Urban waste water treatment can play an important role in making Europe a frontrunner towards . - @EU_CoR Rapporteur @agrenwikstrom whose opinion has been adopted at the .

Read more 👉 eppcor.eu/press-releases/ambit
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Åsa Ågren Wikström: 🇸🇪🇪🇺 YTTRANDET ANTAGET!
Yes! Igår antogs mitt yttrande om lagstiftningsförslaget gällande avloppsrening efter förhandling, debatt och votering i Regionkommitténs plenarsession! @EPP_CoR
Äntligen i mål! agrenwikstrom.com/2023/07/06/a t.co/Z31ePNTWTB

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/EPP_CoR/statu

#ZeroPollution #CoRPlenary #EUGreenDeal #cleanwater

Last updated 1 year ago

Not Rappaport · @NotRappaport
108 followers · 530 posts · Server mindly.social