The eve of #EarthDay2023 is the perfect time to think about personal change. Instead of adding to the problems of the #GreatLakes basin be a voice for change!
#CleanWaterisLife #greatlakes
#earthday2023 #greatlakes #bekind #cleanwaterislife
It is #WorldWaterDay. Today is a fine day to do something that helps preserve and protect the #GreatLakes and our forests and wetlands. #CleanWaterisLife
#worldwaterday #greatlakes #cleanwaterislife
Humans of watershed. Did you know Africa has #GreatLakes ? And we share the same problems. Invasive species, degraded water quality &fisheries, climate change &more. They contain 25% of worlds surface freshwater.
#LakeTanganyika #LakeVictoria #LakeMalawi
#greatlakes #cleanwaterislife #laketanganyika #lakevictoria #lakemalawi
It’s a fine morning in the #GreatLakes to commit to change. Here are just a few ideas…
Attempt to get #singleuseplastics out of your life.
Support local farmers that are changing the way they grow and raise your food in order to have less fertilizer runoff, improve soil health and have fresher tasty food.
If humans ate even 10% less meat and dairy it would greatly help with greenhouse gas emissions (yah that is hard for the #cheeseheads on my west shore)
And much more!
#greatlakes #singleuseplastics #cheeseheads #cleanwaterislife
Working on my New Year’s resolutions to help protect myself and sibs as we continue our role of being 21% of the earth’s surface freshwater.
RT @LakeMichigan13
It is alarming that there are microplastics in all my fish, birds, animals and humans of the watershed. Time for change in behavior humans.
Hello Humans!
Just getting started here on Mastodon to remind you all that